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NNPG Radio Net / How To Be Under Prepared By Overlooking Things
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on March 28, 2024, 02:33:43 PM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.
We told you How To Be Under Prepared By Overlooking Things.

Here's your link:  http://www.nnpg.net/032724_radio.shtml
NNPG Radio Net / We Talked About The Foolish Prepper
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on March 21, 2024, 08:54:27 AM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.
We Talked About The Foolish Prepper

Here's your link:  http://www.nnpg.net/032024_radio.shtml
NNPG Radio Net / We Talked About Tasty Books For Your Pantry
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on March 15, 2024, 08:20:41 AM »
This week's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.
We Talked About Tasty Books For Your Pantry.

Here's your link:  http://www.nnpg.net/031324_radio.shtml
General Discussion / Prepper Radio Net Chat 02/21/24
« Last post by Jerry D Young on February 26, 2024, 04:12:00 PM »
Prepper Radio Net Chat 02/21/24

K7KBJ @kjuenke Tue Feb 13 11:29 am

Hello Preppers !!! Wednesday February 14 is a Preppers Net Holiday. See you next time.

twp @twp Wed Feb 14 5:32 pm

Yeah, got that, but still willing to chat about things Prepperish...

Nice Creature @guest3593347 Wed Feb 14 8:20 pm


twp @twp Wed Feb 14 8:20 pm

Hi Nice Creature. Welcome to the NNPG chat.

Nice Creature @guest3593347 Wed Feb 14 8:22 pm

Again, trying to log in but email address not recognized. Tried to participate in the net but not hearing anything from the mobile radio. scratchy when someone answered.

Didn't realize this was a holiday for the net. I'll try again in 2 weeks on my next Wednesday night off. Night all

twp @twp Wed Feb 14 8:24 pm

It's a holiday and there is no radio net tonight. I'm just watching in case someone wants to chat about prepper topics.

KJ6DHG @KJ6DHG Wed Feb 14 8:24 pm


twp @twp Wed Feb 14 8:25 pm


KJ6DHG @KJ6DHG Wed Feb 14 8:25 pm

Anyone in Fallon want to do coffee tomorrow morning and talk prepper stuff?

twp @twp Wed Feb 14 8:26 pm

I'm in Winnemucca and it's a little far for a morning trip.

twp @twp Wed Feb 14 8:46 pm

No traffic, so I'm signing off. Stay dry and safe.

David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Feb 21 7:28 pm

Hi TWP.......Hi Jerry

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Feb 21 7:31 pm

Hello, everyone!!

David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Feb 21 7:32 pm

Howdy Jamie...how you are?

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Feb 21 7:33 pm

I'm great! Just crocheting non stop outside of work. So many crafts I want to complete. How are you?

David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Feb 21 7:33 pm

BTW everyone...tonight's topic is going to be US Senate Bill 3690. Deals with installation and use of Ham Antennas

Kinda same place...too much to do and not enough time to get it done in.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Feb 21 7:35 pm

Oh good, I'm happy to hear about another law in the news

twp @twp Wed Feb 21 7:35 pm

HI all, guess I missed the informal startup.

David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Feb 21 7:35 pm

I misspoke. Bill deals with restrictions against using antennas

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 7:38 pm



250.08 KB

It's only 14 pages long.


Prepper Field Day - Save the date !

BTW, I secured my spot at Hobart Station for the TRT !!!

David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Feb 21 7:48 pm

Howdy Kieth...How you doing?

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Feb 21 7:48 pm

you spelled his name wrong


Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 7:49 pm

Doing fine. Who do I need to contact to sign up for Tunnel?

David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Feb 21 7:49 pm

I think we both need to do that...

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 7:49 pm

So, who is the boss now?

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 7:50 pm

John Plillips, KL7RI. Tell him you are the one there for years.


David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Feb 21 7:50 pm

John Phillips

Ken did you mean phillips@...

Welcome Friendly

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 7:52 pm

So David you are going to come back home for the TRT?

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 7:52 pm

I copied that from an email. It should work.

twp @twp Wed Feb 21 7:53 pm

For those who don't know, what is the Tunnel?

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 7:53 pm

Is David not home?

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 7:54 pm

Somebody probably had phillips so he had to change it a bit.

David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Feb 21 7:54 pm

Yes...I'm planning on being at TRT this year

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Feb 21 7:55 pm

Hello all.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Feb 21 7:55 pm

Jerry! Hello!

twp @twp Wed Feb 21 7:55 pm

And what is the meaning of TRT?

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 7:55 pm

The Tahoe Rim Trail Race

Tunnel is the name of one of the aid stations.

KG7MZO @guest3778322 Wed Feb 21 7:56 pm

KG7MZO...hello all

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 7:56 pm

As is Hobart Station.

twp @twp Wed Feb 21 7:56 pm

Ah! thanks

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 7:56 pm


KG7MZO @guest3778322 Wed Feb 21 7:57 pm

Glenda is in the house!!

It's been a long time. Good to be back

K7TBO-Dan @K7TBO-Dan Wed Feb 21 7:57 pm

Good evening everyone.

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 7:58 pm


KG7MZO @guest3778322 Wed Feb 21 7:58 pm

Good evening K7TBO

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 8:00 pm

Hello Glenda

KG7MZO @guest3778322 Wed Feb 21 8:00 pm

Hello Idaho70

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 8:05 pm

David, are you going to email John?

David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Feb 21 8:06 pm

Yes, I'll contact him before the end of the week. I will tell him both of us will be there and copy you on the e-Mail if you wish.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 8:08 pm

That is fine with me. Need to get that tied up. Too much fun!

David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Feb 21 8:08 pm

You bet!

Will do

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 8:09 pm

Ken, what was that bill number again?

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Feb 21 8:10 pm

This is Kilo Seven Kilo Kilo X-Ray, Jerry, in Winnemucca, via chat.

KG7MZO @guest3778322 Wed Feb 21 8:11 pm

Kilo Gulf Seven Mike Zulu Oscar via chat

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Feb 21 8:15 pm

I know at least half a dozen people that are handicapped with limitations on antennas.

The 43' vertical antenna is capable of covering 6m through 160-meters by using an antenna matcher. Seldom more than 2 to 3 inches in diameter at the bottom, they are not all that intrusive.

KG7MZO @guest3778322 Wed Feb 21 8:20 pm

SB 3690

K7TBO-Dan @K7TBO-Dan Wed Feb 21 8:22 pm

I had to step away to reset our modem. Not sure why it needs resetting on Wednesdays at 7:55.🤦

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 8:22 pm

Thank you Ken. You have said you have freeze dried a number of things. Could you email me a list of some of them and how they turned out. My wife wants to branch out some.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Feb 21 8:23 pm

I second this, Ken. So I can profit on his wife branching out

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 8:23 pm

Wow, a long list. Two favorites are raw scrambled egg and DInty More stew

K7IN - Paul @guest3690397 Wed Feb 21 8:23 pm

The language of both bills are quite critical. The last legislation that stated associations must allow "reasonable accommodation" became a big issue because what an HOA determined reasonable accommodation was. It is very important to keep up with both bills and pay attention to all the details. Words matter...

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 8:24 pm

She has done eggs and I remembered Dinty Moore stew.

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 8:26 pm

Ice creame sandwiches

celery, onion (makes onion powder

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 8:26 pm

Now you are talking!

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 8:26 pm


Raw chicken slabs

K7TBO-Dan @K7TBO-Dan Wed Feb 21 8:26 pm

Goodnight all.

KG7MZO @guest3778322 Wed Feb 21 8:27 pm

Good net tonight

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 8:27 pm

sliced apples

KG7MZO @guest3778322 Wed Feb 21 8:27 pm

73 everyone

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 8:27 pm

sliced banana

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Feb 21 8:27 pm

Roast beef hash.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Feb 21 8:27 pm

Wait. Are you saying the "Astronaut ice cream sandwiches" are just freeze dried?! I loved those growing up!

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 8:27 pm

Going to try milk

watermelon (OMG!!)


K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Feb 21 8:28 pm

Frozen strawberries. frozen blackberries. Canned peaches.

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 8:28 pm

I tried freeze drying some water but that failed.

tee heee heee

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 8:29 pm

You just had to throw that one in didn't you

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Feb 21 8:29 pm

kinda, yes

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Feb 21 8:29 pm

Fresh hamburger patties. Deli roast beef. Deli roasted turkey.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 8:29 pm

Thanks all for some GREAT ideas.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Feb 21 8:29 pm

Dad, these are going to use all of your solar battery!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Feb 21 8:30 pm

I am hurting quite a bit tonight. Going to sign off till next week.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 8:30 pm

Will do during summer with 14 hour days

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Feb 21 8:30 pm

Hope you feel better, Jerry <3

Sleep well, all!

David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Feb 21 8:33 pm

Night everyone...be safe and be HAPPY!

twp @twp Wed Feb 21 8:33 pm

'Night all, see you next week

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Feb 21 8:38 pm

Thanks Ken for all the great ideas, especially glad you warned me about trying to do water.

Benevolent Companion @guest3803156 Yesterday at 7:42 pm

Hi all, I am new and looking for a good place to find used equipment. I appreciate any direction in advance. Thanks!

Benevolent Companion @guest3803156 Yesterday at 7:56 pm

And new to the radio world as well so looking for more VHF ham radio starter level to get me going.
NNPG Radio Net / Land Lines and the Amateur Radio Preparedness Act
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on February 22, 2024, 02:20:52 PM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.
We discussed Land Lines and the Amateur Radio Preparedness Act.

Here's your link:  http://www.nnpg.net/022124_radio.shtml
General Discussion / Prepper Radio Net Chat 01/31/24
« Last post by Jerry D Young on February 02, 2024, 11:11:25 AM »
Net Chat 01/31/24

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC [size=0pt]Wed Jan 31 7:40 pm[/size]
good evening, everyone!

twp @twp [size=0pt]Wed Jan 31 7:40 pm[/size]
Hello all.

JerryD @JerryD [size=0pt]Wed Jan 31 7:41 pm[/size]
Hello all.

David - K7DWW @k7dww [size=0pt]Wed Jan 31 7:41 pm[/size]
Hi eveyone

JerryD @JerryD [size=0pt]Wed Jan 31 7:41 pm[/size]
This is K7KKX on a temporary station in Reno.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 31 7:44 pm
Howdy all

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 31 7:47 pm
Howdy, pops!

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 31 7:47 pm
Getting ready for the rain over there?

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Jan 31 7:48 pm
I really do enjoy rain.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 31 7:49 pm
You are gonna get it

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 31 7:49 pm
All the talk about the PNW getting rain are lies in my area! We get a slight mist in the mornings and all good the rest of the day

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 31 7:51 pm
II also enjoy rain. When I moved from SoCal to Humboldt State I wondered why everyone had an umbrella. I found out why in the first week. Next 3 years never left home without one.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 31 7:52 pm
But when you come visit me, dad, don't you dare bring an umbrella! In the PNW we only wear raincoats. If you use an umbrella, you are an outcast. These days only the dirty New Yorkers use those!

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 31 7:53 pm
Ken will get 2 ARK systems coming next few days

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Jan 31 7:53 pm
Good Evening!

twp @twp Wed Jan 31 7:56 pm
ARK system?

David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Jan 31 7:56 pm
Kristen...missed you last weekend. You ok?

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Jan 31 7:56 pm
What is an ARK system?

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Jan 31 7:58 pm
sorry I missed it family member had surgery.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 31 7:58 pm
Atmospheric River. A weather system that stretches from Japan across America and out to the Atlantic. Can be tremendous rain, causing floods etc. What Cali got last year to have huge snow levels.

David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Jan 31 7:58 pm
Hope all is well...

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 31 7:59 pm
I see ya'll survived the campout

JerryD @JerryD Wed Jan 31 8:00 pm
All except the trip home. Tahoe quit on me. Still in the shop here in Reno.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 31 8:00 pm
That is a real bummer. Had that happen after one of the TRTs

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Jan 31 8:01 pm
All is well

JerryD @JerryD Wed Jan 31 8:01 pm
Supposed to be ready tomorrow.

David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Jan 31 8:01 pm

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 31 8:02 pm
The Tahoe knew the Lake was nearby and it wanted to visit.

JerryD @JerryD Wed Jan 31 8:02 pm

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 31 8:04 pm
I talked with Ken and David on the HF HAM radio. Very cool.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 31 8:05 pm
That's super cool!

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Jan 31 8:05 pm


Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 31 8:07 pm
Looks like one of those no nonsense English headmasters.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 31 8:08 pm
thanks for the pictures!

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 31 8:10 pm
Ken, did you freeze dry the coffee grounds, beans, what?

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 31 8:12 pm
Oh that's a good point! I wonder what freeze dried beans that are then ground versus ground beans that are freeze dried

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Jan 31 8:25 pm
[size=0pt][/color]4.59 MB[/size][/u]

We worked this station.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 31 8:34 pm
Sleep well, everyone!

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 31 8:35 pm
nighty night

KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Jan 31 8:35 pm
Good night everyone!

twp @twp Wed Jan 31 8:36 pm
Night all, good session.

David - K7DWW @k7dww Wed Jan 31 8:36 pm
Night everyone...be safe and be HAPPY

JerryD @JerryD Wed Jan 31 8:39 pm
Good night all
Thank you, Ken.
NNPG Radio Net / We Discussed Our Failures and Successes Had At Frozen Prepper Days
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on February 01, 2024, 01:46:52 PM »

Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.We Discussed Our Failures and Successes Had At Frozen Prepper Day.

Here's your link:  http://www.nnpg.net/013124_radio.shtml
NNPG Radio Net / Why You Should Come To Our Winter Campout This Week
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on January 25, 2024, 02:24:08 PM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.
We told you Why You Should Come To Our Winter Campout This Week.

Here's your link:  http://www.nnpg.net/012424_radio.shtml
General Discussion / Prepper Radio Net Chat 01/17/24
« Last post by Jerry D Young on January 22, 2024, 10:25:55 AM »
 Prepper Radio Net Chat 01/17/24

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 17 7:36 pm

twp @twp Wed Jan 17 7:40 pm
Hello again

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Jan 17 7:41 pm

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 17 7:45 pm
Howdy everyone!

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 17 7:52 pm
Good evening, all!

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Jan 17 7:52 pm

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 17 7:58 pm
Hi Jamie, Dave, Kieth, Friendly and benevolent

BTW, did everyone know that Ken GUARANTEES 50 degree days with clear sky's for our outing? I think that was nice of him!

Hi Great human

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 17 8:00 pm
You know Ken, always looking out for everyone.

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 17 8:00 pm

Kieth...has it warmed up at all there in Idaho

Tonights topic is peroxide

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 17 8:01 pm
Absolutely, it is a very balmy 16 degrees right now.

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 17 8:02 pm

WA6PBU-Johann @Johann Wed Jan 17 8:06 pm
WA6PBU Johann checking in

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Jan 17 8:07 pm
It destroyed the lungs

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 17 8:07 pm
I did that once but instead of spitting it out I swallowed it. My dad had to call poison control......

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Jan 17 8:07 pm
It's pretty safe. I use it to induce vomiting in my dogs when they swallow something naughty.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Jan 17 8:08 pm
That's what they told him to do with me

K7TBO-Dan @K7TBO-Dan Wed Jan 17 8:08 pm
Are you talking about food grade 3% HP?

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Jan 17 8:09 pm
No, simply the stuff you buy at the supermarket or drug store in the pharmacy dept.

K7TBO-Dan @K7TBO-Dan Wed Jan 17 8:09 pm
O, thanks

Brave Chatter @guest3544898 Wed Jan 17 8:09 pm
So sorry to hear the news of Bob passing, I worked under him at the Reno Air Races. Thank you Ken.

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 17 8:12 pm
Yes...this was benefits for (food Grade) 3% Peroxide in Brown bottle

Sold as your standard Peroxide

Cool Soul @guest186 Wed Jan 17 8:13 pm
WA6PBU Johann no traffic

K7TBO-Dan @K7TBO-Dan Wed Jan 17 8:15 pm
I've heard of using it for nebulizing during the flu.

I found the formula. 2ml food gradeHP, 1 drop of Lugel's Iodine and 5ml saline solution.

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 17 8:20 pm
Interesting...where did you find it?

K7TBO-Dan @K7TBO-Dan Wed Jan 17 8:22 pm
A neighbor of mine brought it over when I was extremely sick. It cut through the mucus in my lungs and allowed them to clear.

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Jan 17 8:23 pm
Good night everyone, be safe and be HAPPY!

twp @twp Wed Jan 17 8:28 pm
G'night all, I'm out
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