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NNPG Radio Net / Cooking In An Emergency
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on December 14, 2023, 09:14:19 AM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Net has been posted.
We talked about Cooking In An Emergency and the various methods available.

Here's your link:  http://nnpg.net/121323_radio.shtml
NNPG Radio Net / Top 5 Document Types You Need To Store Right Now
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on December 07, 2023, 09:05:40 AM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.
We told you about the Top 5 Document Types You Need To Store Right Now

Here's your link:  http://nnpg.net/120623_radio.shtml
General Discussion / Prepper Radio Net Chat 11/22/23
« Last post by Jerry D Young on December 06, 2023, 07:11:22 PM »
Net Chat November 22, 2023

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:32 pm
Good evening, everyone! Any fun Thanksgiving traditions?? We are in our first house for the first holiday and looking to start some traditions

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 22 7:33 pm
Congratulations Jamie.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:33 pm
That will be great, Jamie. Those kinds of things can get you through some tough times, and really make the good times even more special. You will figure some, but most will just happen.[/color]

[/color]One of mine, when I can do it, is to make a Carrot pie rather than a pumpkin pie. I much prefer them, and they are a bit unique. Cannot do it here where I am at the moment, but one of these days...[/color]

[/color]My sister-in-law makes a cranberry salad that is out of this world. Other than jellied cranberry sauce, her home-made is about the only way I like cranberries.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:37 pm
Thank you! And I haven't heard of carrot pie but I'll look that up! I made sweet potato pie for the first time this year.

And fun fact about canned cranberry sauce, I didn't realize it came from a can. I thought my mom made it, including the "design" from the can. It took me way too long to realize the truth!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:38 pm
[/color]Did have an in-law one time, married to a cousin, that one of their traditions was after Thanksgiving meal, which the women mostly did, the guys did all the clean up. The guys sister told me that the women got together back in the 50s and decided that the clean up would go much faster if the men did it because they would hurry so they would not miss much of the holiday football games.[/color]

[/color]I will put up the recipe for it. It is from the 1800s that I modernized many years ago.[/color]


[/color]We pretty much always had the jellied cranberry sauce. That was what my dad liked. My mother was a great cook, but there were a few things she just did not like to make. I think home-made cranberry sauce or salid was one of them. I know Becky, my sister-in-law was working on hers yesterday when we went over. And it will not be ready to eat until tomorrow afternoon. I made her promise that there would be some left when I wentover Friday for leftovers.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:42 pm
thank you! I'd love to make that recipe. I have a cousin who put together a cookbook from my grandma and other women her age. You can tell them times! There's a recipe for a sandwich that is orange slices, onions, and mayonnaise!

I've made cranberry sauce a few times, but it's never as good as the can!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:43 pm
[/color]Yep. Sounds like some of those the women in Senath did a few times. I even have a couple of recipes in two of them.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:43 pm
That should be a staple in all of our preps!!!!!!!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:43 pm

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:46 pm
So do you prefer the jellied or whole berry?

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:46 pm
[/color]Although, it would be difficult to get some people to even try a sandwich like that. May father used to eat mayonnaise sandwiches. just a thick spread of mayonnaise between two pieces of bread.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:47 pm
Oh, I could eat ten mayonnaise sandwiches! it's the orange part that really throws me off. I will have to try it out next summer!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:47 pm
[/color]Jellied for canned. The only whole berry/crushed berry cranberry product is the salad Becky makes.[/color]

[/color]If the onion is a sweet onion, like a Vidalia, I think ti would be pretty good.[/color]

[/color]Details can be really important.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:49 pm
Oh that is smart! The recipe just says "onion."

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:49 pm
[/color]I know that when I make caramel pecan rolls, I only ever use Kraft caramels. None of the others ever turned out correctly.[/color]

[/color]People that ate sweets loved those and always wanted the recipe. Then would almost cuss me out when I gave it to them and they tried it the first time. It is a very difficult recipe to get through due to all the hand work of working in one pound of powdered sugar into a standard size jar of marshmallow cream. Never, ever, try to make a double batch.[/color]

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 22 7:52 pm
Good evening everyone...

twp @twp Wed Nov 22 7:52 pm
"Evening all.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:52 pm
[/color]Evening all.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:54 pm
Jerry, that sounds delicious though!!! Do you ship?!

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 22 7:54 pm
I confirmed with W6US the link from the Winnemucca repeater to the SNARS system is still down. It uses a 70cm radio for the link.

They hope to have it up before the snow begins to build up.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:54 pm
[/color]I used to ship the candy and cookies I made at Christmas as gifts. The pie would not travel well.[/color]

[/color]I have not been able to make anything, or really do anything for Christmases for several years.[/color]

[/color]I have not played Santa Claus for anyone in at least 7 or 8 years.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:56 pm
Well you could always couch someone in the kitchen to make your cookies! As a former neighborhood kid, I would have loved such an experience!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:57 pm
[/color]With me, it was the librarian where we lived. We tried out recipes on each other. She was great.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:58 pm
Librarian's are the best of the human race

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:58 pm
[/color]Actually, the Cathedral windows cookies were a bit of a pain to make, too. lol[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:59 pm
well with a name like "cathedral windows" I'd expect nothing less!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:59 pm
[/color]Quite a few people quit asking for my recipes after they tried a few of them that were so much work. Or the candy gods had to be sitting on your shoulder, like when making divinity.[/color]

twp @twp Wed Nov 22 8:00 pm
It's a good thing tomorrow is Turkey Day, I'm getting hungry reading this thread.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:00 pm
[/color]lol Yep. Kids loved them. I usually gave them to the families with small children. The bourbon balls and cognac went to adult families.[/color]

[/color]Yes. I need to quit doing recipe stuff. I hate it when my family does on our family text exchanges. No matter how much I might have just had to eat, I am starving in just a few seconds when they start talking, and posting pictures, about the food they are making.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:03 pm
It'd be a fun project to make recipes for these "fun" occasions with prepper builds

twp @twp Wed Nov 22 8:05 pm
And here I am sitting next to a fifth of Vodka! If I go incoherent, you'll understand.

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 22 8:05 pm

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:05 pm
[/color]I know. I just thought of that, myself. I may have to experiment with that. I am not sure if someone freeze-dried egg whites so I could make divinity.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:06 pm
My mom freeze dries eggs! I can volunteer Idaho70 to have her do egg whites only! I'm sure my parent's love me volunteering them for things!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:07 pm
[/color]Kilo Seven Kilo Kilo X-ray Jerry, in Winnemucca via nnpg.net[/color] chat[/color]
[/color]The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group - Home[/u][/b]
[/color]The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group[/u]

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 22 8:07 pm
Yea, we love to do your ideas.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:07 pm
[/color]Wow. I never, ever, got by with volunteering my parents for anything.[/color]

[/color]That brought out a look it up, or do your research, or that would make a good project for you.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:08 pm
well it helps being the youngest so my parent's went through it all a million times before I came begging for stuff

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 22 8:09 pm
Got that right

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:09 pm
Though I hated being sent to the dictoniary to figure out how to spell a word.....

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:09 pm
[/color]Yep. My littlest brother, was like that.[/color]

[/color]I was interested in all kinds of things, so it was more look it up in the encyclopedia. My dad always kept a set of used encyclopedias no more than five years old for us to use.[/color]

[/color]Vodka has a wide range of prices, some due to what the item is used to make it, the final purity, the quality of the water used, and just how precious the people think it is.[/color]

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:12 pm
Regarding the Vodka, unless one wants to drink it, or trade to a Vodka lover for an item of utility/value; IMO opinion, one would be better off with EVERCLEAR. Higher alcohol content. Either way other than rugged transport, better with the glass bottles than the plastic.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:12 pm
[/color]The premiums are often far more expensive than Everclear.[/color]

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:12 pm
You beat me to the punch Ken.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 22 8:13 pm
A new 3d printer? Is that the 20th 0r 21st one he has.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:13 pm
[/color]I agree. For most prepper uses, the Everclear is a better choice.[/color]

Talkative Creature @guest3228539 Wed Nov 22 8:13 pm
Hi all. Just listening online because it's too cold to sit in the Jeep and no one can hear me when I try to talk on the hand held Baeofeng inside. Listening in from Fallon, NV

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:14 pm
Wish I would have bought some Everclear when I lived in Montana now!!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:14 pm
[/color]You get quadruple use out of a bottle than you do vodka. And if you have good vodka for drinking, you really will not want to use it for other things.[/color]

Talkative Creature @guest3228539 Wed Nov 22 8:14 pm
Vodka can be used to defrost your windshield I heard

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:15 pm
I bought a case of glass 750's awhile ago specifically for prepping

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:15 pm
[/color]I am not sure if David mentioned it or not, but vodka can be used, and is, to make tinctures and other medical related processes and procedures. I have some wild lettuce tincture I use when my medications are not controlling some of my worst pains.[/color]

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:16 pm
EverClear that is

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:17 pm
So right, Jerry! I worked briefly for an acupuncture clinic and our break room was COVERED in vodka handles because of the tinctures the providers made

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:17 pm
[/color]I was buying it a 750ml bottle at a time. I have several in glass bottles, but it is much harder to find. It has been a long time since I found a 50ml bottle of Everclear. Not glass nor plastic. I am going to get some empties and transfer what is in plastic to them.[/color]

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 22 8:18 pm
About my 3D printer, it is the fifth one. More guns here than printers but let's see what happens !

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:18 pm
[/color]Yeah. It is hard to find 190-proof Everclear here in Nevada now.[/color]

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:18 pm
A year or so ago Total Wine had it.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:19 pm
[/color]I find it here and there, but they never seem to have any more after I buy it the first time.[/color]

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 22 8:19 pm
Sounds like you are making a factory of 3d printers. No wonder you wanted solar, with so many 3ds you could not afford the electric bill

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:20 pm
Jerry, have you checked Total Wine?

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:20 pm
[/color]Making me even more jealous than I was. My Prusa is on hold until they finish the testing for the MMU for it.[/color]

[/color]No. I am not sure where that is. I live in Winnemucca now. I plan to buy Ben's when I get a chance and the money.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:22 pm
Jerry, I texted my mother and she said she will try to freeze dy egg whites for you!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:23 pm
[/color]Wow! Thank you! I will definitely try the divinity with it. May look for freeze-dried white corn syrup, too.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:23 pm
I'll ask her!!!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:24 pm
[/color]Could someone please ask Ken what it was he wanted me to address earlier?[/color]

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:25 pm
Total Wine is a SuperStore on South Virginia in the shopping center across the street from the South Home Depot, 5.11 Stor & Guitar Center are also in that Center

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:25 pm
[/color]Thank you. I would not have her waste too much time on it, as high sugar and high oil products both can be very difficult.[/color]

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 22 8:25 pm
Great net.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:26 pm
[/color]Okay. I am supposed to be in Reno December 12 & 13 for a doctor appointment. I have several things to do, but I will try to stop in there if I cannot find it at Ben's.[/color]

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:26 pm
Happy Thanksgivig N7SAX here, could'nt figure out how to get on the Chat with my Call Sign

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 22 8:27 pm
Happy Thanksgiving !

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:27 pm
[/color]My fingers are about to fall off, Ken. Other than that, it was a great net.[/color]

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 22 8:27 pm
Yup !

Looking forward to hearing you soon, Jerry !

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 22 8:27 pm
Happy and peaceful Thanksgiving to everyone!

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:27 pm
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:27 pm
[/color]Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone. And good night.[/color]

twp @twp Wed Nov 22 8:28 pm
Remember, Eat Dead Turkeys!

I'm out. Thanks All

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:28 pm
[/color]With an 's'? I have trouple eating all of just one.[/color]

twp @twp Wed Nov 22 8:29 pm
Consider it a goal for the future <g>
NNPG Radio Net / Top YouTube Channels For Preppers
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on November 30, 2023, 01:03:04 PM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio Show has been posted.
We talked about the top YouTube channels for preppers.

Here's your link:  http://nnpg.net/112923_radio.shtml

We also attached two documents with more information below.
General Discussion / A link to my recipes
« Last post by Jerry D Young on November 28, 2023, 12:43:30 PM »
Here is a link to my recipe booklet I posted in 2020:

JDY Recipe Book (nnpg.net)

Just my opinion.
Gardening and Farming / сплав
« Last post by Kathrynfah on November 24, 2023, 09:31:36 PM »
Приглашаем Ваше предприятие к взаимовыгодному сотрудничеству в направлении производства и поставки никелевого сплава ? ›? ёСЃС‚ ? ј? ѕ? »? ё? ±? ґ? µ? Ѕ? ѕ? ІС‹? № 5  и изделий из него.
-   Поставка концентратов, и оксидов
-   Поставка изделий производственно-технического назначения (чаши).
-       Любые типоразмеры, изготовление по чертежам и спецификациям заказчика.

General Discussion / сплав
« Last post by Kathrynfah on November 24, 2023, 09:30:06 PM »
Приглашаем Ваше предприятие к взаимовыгодному сотрудничеству в сфере производства и поставки никелевого сплава ? ›? ёСЃС‚ ? ј? ѕ? »? ё? ±? ґ? µ? Ѕ? ѕ? ІС‹? № 5  и изделий из него.
-   Поставка порошков, и оксидов
-   Поставка изделий производственно-технического назначения (контакты).
-       Любые типоразмеры, изготовление по чертежам и спецификациям заказчика.

General Discussion / Prepper Radio Net Chat 11/15/23
« Last post by Jerry D Young on November 22, 2023, 05:43:48 PM »
NNPG Prepper Net November 15, 2023
[size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 7:39 pm[/size]
I just now put up the files I said I would. Unfortunately I did not get last weeks chat saved in time to put it up....

[size=0pt]KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Nov 15 7:40 pm[/size]
Good Evening

[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 15 7:43 pm[/size]

[size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 15 7:43 pm[/size]
Evening all
[size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 7:43 pm[/size]
If anyone can remember a subject I said I would post about please let me know.
Hello all.
[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 7:44 pm[/size]
Hello everyone

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 15 7:45 pm[/size]
Hi all

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 15 7:45 pm[/size]
Hello everyone...tonight's topic will be unusual prepping gear

If you have some things to add to my list, I would be grateful if you would share them with me

[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 15 7:48 pm[/size]
So the other day I sold some cross country skis through FB Marketplace. When I went to hand them over, I just decided to ask him what he was going to do with them, realizing he would say, "ski." But he didn't! He's going to cut them and use the curve ends to make a recurve bow! We all can learn by asking "obvious" questions to those who may or may not be preppers

[size=0pt]KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Nov 15 7:49 pm[/size]
I Have a question. One of my co workers and I were talking if the SHTF how would you communicate on your Ham radio friends without other people understanding? Saw the movie on Netflix when the Nazis invaded France and they had code that they talked in. Very good movie!
[size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 7:50 pm[/size]
The US used Navaho Code Talkers

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 15 7:50 pm[/size]
Kristin...Ken or Jerry are probably best to answer that, however, that is a great topic for future net....thanks

Well, maybe not Jerry!
[size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 7:51 pm[/size]
Hey... I did not get to the cowbells yet!

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 15 7:51 pm[/size]
What's the delay?
[size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 7:51 pm[/size]
My slow fingers.

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 15 7:51 pm[/size]
KK7CON... You need to see my Graytell Device. It is a manual encryption tool.
[size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 7:51 pm[/size]
And you are right. A subject to itself.

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 15 7:51 pm[/size]
Here is something unusual...

Those little card samples from the department stores are loaded
 with alcohol inside, and perfume cards offer the convenience also
 of cardboard to work as tinder. For an added touch, dip the
 perfume cards in paraffin wax.

[size=0pt]KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Nov 15 7:52 pm[/size]
Do we all get a copy of a code book? sock it away until needed?

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 15 7:52 pm[/size]
No. You need my Graytell Device.
[size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 7:53 pm[/size]
If you get the small glass bottles of scent samples they are usually large enough to have a good amount of fire starting liquid inside.

[size=0pt]KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Nov 15 7:54 pm[/size]
hmm interested in learning more about the Graytell Device

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 15 7:54 pm[/size]
Here's a link...


[size=0pt]The Graytell Device[/size][/b]
[/size][size=0pt]Ken Juenke[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 7:55 pm[/size][size=0pt]
[/size]Here are some short range communications methods. Using radio communications using other than open language can get one in trouble now, so it is hard to practice.[size=0pt]
[/size]The list is too long. I will put it up on NNPG.net forum.[size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group - Home[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt][/color]The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group[/size][/u][/size][size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 15 7:57 pm[/size]Thanks Jerry ![size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 15 7:58 pm[/size]Ken, I cannot find Greytell with a search engine. Is it spelled differently?[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 15 7:58 pm[/size]I posted a link above. Take a look.Graytell Device (with an 'a')[size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 7:59 pm[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]I may have to go back in and change the formating. It is tiny text.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 15 7:59 pm[/size]Not Youtube,.. Is there another website available?[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 15 7:59 pm[/size]not yet[size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 15 8:00 pm[/size]'K thanks[size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 8:01 pm[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]Some of my oddball preps are listed in the alternative comms post I put up in NNPG.net forums.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt][/color]The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group - Home[/size][size=0pt][/color]
[/size][size=0pt][/color]The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group[/size][/u]
[/size][/color]Others include one not all that oddball... a customized game cart.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]Some others are bread bag plastic tags. Model rocketry rocket engines (got that from David). An Igloo builder when snow is only really shallow.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]Frisbee used to fly low over the brush and grass to scare birds and rabbits so they will jump and move so you can see them when hunting.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 15 8:04 pm[/size]I will be selling the Graytell Device on Etsy. I just have to make some for stock.I will have some at our January Frozen Prepper Days event.[size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 15 8:04 pm[/size]Ken, keep us advised.[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:05 pm[/size]I like the frisbee idea. Although you would best to be working in a team. One thrower and one shooter.[size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 8:05 pm[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]A Zeer pot for alternative refrigeration down to about 40 degrees under ideal conditions.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]A two pot terracotta small heater using tea lights or other small candles.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Nov 15 8:07 pm[/size]Ken let me know when you have them please[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:07 pm[/size]Probably do not want the waxed dental floss if using it for a snare. Wax may slow it up.[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 15 8:08 pm[/size]Kristin, I will. I'll have some at our January Frozen Prepper Days event.[size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 8:08 pm[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]I have the Black & Decker 20v Max Battery tool system which has several different heads for it including a drill, impact wrench, air compressor, and several other items. Plus their 20v Max batteries are used with many other single use tools. I have a chainsaw, blower, dustbuster, and a few others.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 15 8:08 pm[/size]baking soda has a shelf life of 18 months so think of that as well[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 15 8:09 pm[/size]What if you put baking soda into a glass jar with oxygen absorber and then evacuate the jar??[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:09 pm[/size]Condoms for putting over the gun barrel opening to keep water out.[size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 15 8:09 pm[/size]Jamie, Baking Soda has a longer shelf life. Baking Powder is the short shelf life item.Oxy absorbers will extend the storage lif.[size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 8:10 pm[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]Tiny to large funnels.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]Buckets with lids of several sizes.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]And faster if you charge it with a cattle prod. Though I do not think you would do that, Ken.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]Kilo Seven Kilo Kilo X-ray in Winnemucca via chat. Jerry[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 15 8:12 pm[/size]My Amazon Prepper list has grown so much tonight![size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 8:13 pm[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]Additional alternative items are mirror of several sizes, from face powder compact mirrors to wall hanging size.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]The same with Fresnel lens from pocket to the largest projection TV version you can get your hands on.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color](If you get the large Fresnel lens be very, very careful as they can start fires when you do not want them to, even when you are not looking.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]I use a old style blowgun with various types of darts for hunting as well as chasing off nuicense small animals using plain beads.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]I need a great deal more practice, but I have taken rabbits with a throwing stick when I was a great deal younger.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:17 pm[/size]Was a magnifying glass mentioned? Start fires and could be useful for treating wounds, allows you to see really tiny particles that may be impacted in a wound that could lead to an infection.[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 15 8:17 pm[/size]You've taken rabbits with a throwing stick!? I feel if I just slightly look in their direction, they are gone![size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 8:19 pm[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]I have many different types of small items such as hairpins, hair ties, craft tiny clothes pins and craft sticks, Push pins, thumb tacks, and other things I use for trailblazing and for setting up snare triggers much more easily that carving them with my fingers that have no dexterity left in them.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:19 pm[/size]A mirror of course for signaling quietly and reflecting sunlight into holes or dark areas is better than a flashlight. I used them to find rattlesnakes under large trees, burrows, and rocks.[size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 8:20 pm[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]I use to be more sneaky than was good for me. Plus, I have quite a bit of Native American blood in me and my dad and a couple of uncles were hunters. One of them was a master with the throwing stick and taught me. Though I disappointed him when I could not do it like him.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 15 8:22 pm[/size]Fun topic tonight...[size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 8:22 pm[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]Keep a good rotor tiller. They make great ditch diggers.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]And shelters.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:23 pm[/size]The limit is only defined by ones imagination.[size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 8:23 pm[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]It was, david.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]Pretty much Idaho.[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 15 8:23 pm[/size]Friend of mine here said (based on me) a gag might be a good thing to bring! Ouch![size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 8:23 pm[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 15 8:24 pm[/size]and miss out on your jokes and stories?![size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 15 8:24 pm[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][/color]Well, I am hurting bad tonight so I am going to bed. Good night. Talk about me all you want, just do not lie. lol[/size][size=0pt]
[/size][size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 15 8:24 pm[/size]Thanks and good night everyone!!!!![size=0pt]KK7CON- Kristin @KK7CON Wed Nov 15 8:24 pm[/size]Good Night Everyone![size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:24 pm[/size]We would never do that Jerry.[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 15 8:24 pm[/size]Anyone else think Jerry is the best??[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:24 pm[/size]Yes[size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 15 8:25 pm[/size]Second that on Jerry[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:25 pm[/size]So Jamie, you have expanded your wish list?[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 15 8:25 pm[/size]I added at least ten items[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:26 pm[/size]Only 10?Now you will be out in your backyard trying to start fires.[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 15 8:27 pm[/size]If I can start a fire here in NW Washington right now I will need to be awarded some kind of scout badge[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:28 pm[/size]you can always throw a fresbee and chase whatever you scare up.Just remember that Walmart road flare and you could start a fire with water soaked wood.[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 15 8:29 pm[/size]Oh there is plenty of wild life here in my backyard!and I recently got more flares as well as though fire extinguisher cans[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:30 pm[/size]Get your blowgun out[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 15 8:30 pm[/size]IT'S ON THE WISHLIST!:smile:[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:31 pm[/size]A good sling shot would be good also.[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 15 8:31 pm[/size]Added*[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:32 pm[/size]Well, my work here is done. Time to call it a night. Goodnight all.[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 15 8:32 pm[/size]Sweet dreams, everyone[size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 15 8:32 pm[/size]Excellent Forum session, thanks to allI'm out[size=0pt]
[/color]Black Friday sale all week long![/b][/color] Boost this chat with discount code BLACKFRIDAY for 25% off. Help the chatroom hold more users and get more customization options ? and, as thanks for boosting, immediately get access to upload your own emoji and stickers. Get started![/size][size=0pt]
NNPG Radio Net / Unusual Prepper Gear
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on November 16, 2023, 10:06:18 AM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Radio show has been posted.
We talked about Unusual Prepper Gear.

Here's your link:  http://nnpg.net/111523_radio.shtml

Here is the chat room feed:

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 7:39 pm
I just now put up the files I said I would. Unfortunately I did not get last weeks chat saved in time to put it up.

KK7CON- Kristin Wed Nov 15 7:40 pm
Good Evening

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter Wed Nov 15 7:43 pm

twp Wed Nov 15 7:43 pm
Evening all

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 7:43 pm
If anyone can remember a subject I said I would post about please let me know.
Hello all.

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 7:44 pm
Hello everyone

K7KBJ Wed Nov 15 7:45 pm
Hi all

K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 15 7:45 pm
Hello everyone...tonight's topic will be unusual prepping gear
If you have some things to add to my list, I would be grateful if you would share them with me

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter Wed Nov 15 7:48 pm
So the other day I sold some cross country skis through FB Marketplace. When I went to hand them over, I just decided to ask him what he was going to do with them, realizing he would say, "ski." But he didn't! He's going to cut them and use the curve ends to make a recurve bow! We all can learn by asking "obvious" questions to those who may or may not be preppers

KK7CON- Kristin Wed Nov 15 7:49 pm
I Have a question. One of my co workers and I were talking if the SHTF how would you communicate on your Ham radio friends without other people understanding? Saw the movie on Netflix when the Nazis invaded France and they had code that they talked in. Very good movie!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 7:50 pm
The US used Navaho Code Talkers

K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 15 7:50 pm
Kristin...Ken or Jerry are probably best to answer that, however, that is a great topic for future net....thanks
Well, maybe not Jerry!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 7:51 pm
Hey... I did not get to the cowbells yet!

K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 15 7:51 pm
What's the delay?

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 7:51 pm
My slow fingers.

K7KBJ Wed Nov 15 7:51 pm
KK7CON... You need to see my Graytell Device. It is a manual encryption tool.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 7:51 pm
And you are right. A subject to itself.

K7KBJ Wed Nov 15 7:51 pm
Here is something unusual...
Those little card samples from the department stores are loaded
with alcohol inside, and perfume cards offer the convenience also
of cardboard to work as tinder. For an added touch, dip the
perfume cards in paraffin wax.

KK7CON- Kristin Wed Nov 15 7:52 pm
Do we all get a copy of a code book? sock it away until needed?

K7KBJ Wed Nov 15 7:52 pm
No. You need my Graytell Device.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 7:53 pm
If you get the small glass bottles of scent samples they are usually large enough to have a good amount of fire starting liquid inside.

KK7CON- Kristin Wed Nov 15 7:54 pm
hmm interested in learning more about the Graytell Device

K7KBJ Wed Nov 15 7:54 pm
Here's a link...
The Graytell Device
Ken Juenke

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 7:55 pm
Here are some short range communications methods. Using radio communications using other than open language can get one in trouble now, so it is hard to practice.
The list is too long. I will put it up on NNPG.net forum.
The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group - Home
The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group

K7KBJ Wed Nov 15 7:57 pm
Thanks Jerry !

twp Wed Nov 15 7:58 pm
Ken, I cannot find Greytell with a search engine. Is it spelled differently?

K7KBJ Wed Nov 15 7:58 pm
I posted a link above. Take a look.
Graytell Device (with an 'a')

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 7:59 pm
I may have to go back in and change the formating. It is tiny text.

twp Wed Nov 15 7:59 pm
Not Youtube,.. Is there another website available?

K7KBJ Wed Nov 15 7:59 pm
not yet

twp Wed Nov 15 8:00 pm
'K thanks

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 8:01 pm
Some of my oddball preps are listed in the alternative comms post I put up in NNPG.net forums.
The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group - Home
The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group
Others include one not all that oddball... a customized game cart.
Some others are bread bag plastic tags. Model rocketry rocket engines (got that from David). An Igloo builder when snow is only really shallow.
Frisbee used to fly low over the brush and grass to scare birds and rabbits so they will jump and move so you can see them when hunting.

K7KBJ Wed Nov 15 8:04 pm
I will be selling the Graytell Device on Etsy. I just have to make some for stock.
I will have some at our January Frozen Prepper Days event.

twp Wed Nov 15 8:04 pm
Ken, keep us advised.

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:05 pm
I like the frisbee idea. Although you would best to be working in a team. One thrower and one shooter.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 8:05 pm
A Zeer pot for alternative refrigeration down to about 40 degrees under ideal conditions.
A two pot terracotta small heater using tea lights or other small candles.

KK7CON- Kristin Wed Nov 15 8:07 pm
Ken let me know when you have them please

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:07 pm
Probably do not want the waxed dental floss if using it for a snare. Wax may slow it up.

K7KBJ Wed Nov 15 8:08 pm
Kristin, I will. I'll have some at our January Frozen Prepper Days event.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 8:08 pm
I have the Black & Decker 20v Max Battery tool system which has several different heads for it including a drill, impact wrench, air compressor, and several other items. Plus their 20v Max batteries are used with many other single use tools. I have a chainsaw, blower, dustbuster, and a few others.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter Wed Nov 15 8:08 pm
baking soda has a shelf life of 18 months so think of that as well

K7KBJ Wed Nov 15 8:09 pm
What if you put baking soda into a glass jar with oxygen absorber and then evacuate the jar??

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:09 pm
Condoms for putting over the gun barrel opening to keep water out.

twp Wed Nov 15 8:09 pm
Jamie, Baking Soda has a longer shelf life. Baking Powder is the short shelf life item.
Oxy absorbers will extend the storage lif.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 8:10 pm
Tiny to large funnels.
Buckets with lids of several sizes.
And faster if you charge it with a cattle prod. Though I do not think you would do that, Ken.
Kilo Seven Kilo Kilo X-ray in Winnemucca via chat. Jerry

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter Wed Nov 15 8:12 pm
My Amazon Prepper list has grown so much tonight!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 8:13 pm
Additional alternative items are mirror of several sizes, from face powder compact mirrors to wall hanging size.
The same with Fresnel lens from pocket to the largest projection TV version you can get your hands on.
(If you get the large Fresnel lens be very, very careful as they can start fires when you do not want them to, even when you are not looking.
I use a old style blowgun with various types of darts for hunting as well as chasing off nuicense small animals using plain beads.
I need a great deal more practice, but I have taken rabbits with a throwing stick when I was a great deal younger.

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:17 pm
Was a magnifying glass mentioned? Start fires and could be useful for treating wounds, allows you to see really tiny particles that may be impacted in a wound that could lead to an infection.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter Wed Nov 15 8:17 pm
You've taken rabbits with a throwing stick!? I feel if I just slightly look in their direction, they are gone!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 8:19 pm
I have many different types of small items such as hairpins, hair ties, craft tiny clothes pins and craft sticks, Push pins, thumb tacks, and other things I use for trailblazing and for setting up snare triggers much more easily that carving them with my fingers that have no dexterity left in them.

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:19 pm
A mirror of course for signaling quietly and reflecting sunlight into holes or dark areas is better than a flashlight. I used them to find rattlesnakes under large trees, burrows, and rocks.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 8:20 pm
I use to be more sneaky than was good for me. Plus, I have quite a bit of Native American blood in me and my dad and a couple of uncles were hunters. One of them was a master with the throwing stick and taught me. Though I disappointed him when I could not do it like him.

K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 15 8:22 pm
Fun topic tonight...

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 8:22 pm
Keep a good rotor tiller. They make great ditch diggers.
And shelters.

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:23 pm
The limit is only defined by ones imagination.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 8:23 pm
It was, david.
Pretty much Idaho.

K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 15 8:23 pm
Friend of mine here said (based on me) a gag might be a good thing to bring! Ouch!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 8:23 pm

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter Wed Nov 15 8:24 pm
and miss out on your jokes and stories?!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young Wed Nov 15 8:24 pm
Well, I am hurting bad tonight so I am going to bed. Good night. Talk about me all you want, just do not lie. lol

K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 15 8:24 pm
Thanks and good night everyone!!!!!

KK7CON- Kristin Wed Nov 15 8:24 pm
Good Night Everyone!

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:24 pm
We would never do that Jerry.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter Wed Nov 15 8:24 pm
Anyone else think Jerry is the best??

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:24 pm

twp Wed Nov 15 8:25 pm
Second that on Jerry

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:25 pm
So Jamie, you have expanded your wish list?

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter Wed Nov 15 8:25 pm
I added at least ten items

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:26 pm
Only 10?
Now you will be out in your backyard trying to start fires.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter Wed Nov 15 8:27 pm
If I can start a fire here in NW Washington right now I will need to be awarded some kind of scout badge

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:28 pm
you can always throw a fresbee and chase whatever you scare up.
Just remember that Walmart road flare and you could start a fire with water soaked wood.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter Wed Nov 15 8:29 pm
Oh there is plenty of wild life here in my backyard!
and I recently got more flares as well as though fire extinguisher cans

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:30 pm
Get your blowgun out

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter Wed Nov 15 8:30 pm

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:31 pm
A good sling shot would be good also.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter Wed Nov 15 8:31 pm

Idaho70 Wed Nov 15 8:32 pm
Well, my work here is done. Time to call it a night. Goodnight all.

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter Wed Nov 15 8:32 pm
Sweet dreams, everyone

twp Wed Nov 15 8:32 pm
Excellent Forum session, thanks to all
I'm out
General Discussion / A few alternative comms systems
« Last post by Jerry D Young on November 15, 2023, 07:58:52 PM »
My thoughts on communications when the repeater systems are down

Communications in the PAW are going to be critical to the success and safety of a community. There are quite a few non-repeater-based communications systems that can be used if/when local repeaters go down due to whatever circumstance. Some of the over-the-air electronic signal systems can only be used beyond their intended uses if the situation is one in which rule-of-law is no longer in effect, and radio communications rules can be sidestepped in order to get needed communications through. There are also several non-radio methods that can be used that do not rely on electricity or electronic devices, though the electronic and electrical methods, and radios are the most efficient, by far. Some of the non-radio methods are more secure than others, though by using fairly simple codes, if needed, all can be made secure from casual listeners/readers/watchers. Some are one way only, and others can be one-way or two-way, or available to a group.

Some radio communications methods not dependent on established repeaters:
While many repeater systems are high-reliability systems with decent backup power systems, everything is fallible. We do, however, have alternatives to these oft-used systems. They are quick and easy, and give very wide area coverage considering the VHF and UHF bands in which they operate. When they are down, for whatever reason, however, a person and especially a group needs reliable methods with which to communicate among its members, and with the rest of the community.

Many people already regularly use the simplex frequencies set aside for communications between stations that do not need to go through a repeater or set of repeaters in order to have reliable, understandable communications between two or more stations some distance from one another. Each Amateur Radio Band, and each of the special service bands have designated Simplex Calling Frequencies (or channels) assigned, which stations can monitor, and upon hearing another station, can then communicate another separate simplex frequency to which they can both go to continue communications without tying up the Calling frequency.

This applies to the Amateur VHF and UHF bands, of course, but also to the HF, MW, and LF frequency bands Amateurs regularly use. While some of the bands are not all that useful for short-range communications (beyond line-of-sight to ten miles or so), they can often be used at very-low-power for line-of-sight and slightly beyond communication if no other good options are available.

There are plenty of other options for the shorter distances that repeaters are often used to cover with inexpensive, low to moderate power VHF and UHF radios. Mostly using the same bands, but not in the sections of those bands set for Amateur Radio Operations.

FRS ? Family Radio Service (a UHF band); GMRS ? General Mobile Radio Service (a UHF band), MURS ? Multiple Use Radio Service (a VHF band), and CB ? Citizens? Band (an HF band) are all systems capable of providing communications during many emergency situations, whether or not the Amateur Radio Service repeaters are up. They are especially important for those that tend to rely on Amateur radios for their communication.

If a group sets up a plan with a set of protocols that can be followed by those within the group, with provisions to communicate in other ways with those not in the group, reliable communications can still be maintained, no matter what the condition and operating status of any repeater system might be.

There are many other radio services in many different bands that might be used, such as the VHF and HF air bands, the maritime VHF and HF bands, and various VHF, UHF, and HF Land Mobile (business band) service bands, during disasters and situations when the Amateur Radio repeaters that most preppers generally use are not available to them. However, these can be pretty tricky to use without getting into subsequent trouble when things return to normal. And most things that preppers will deal with that can cause normal communications to go down, will be fairly temporary. So, I suggest that if one has an interest in any of these systems, then pursue the interest, but do not think that it will be a reliable way to communicate with other preppers that do not already share that interest and operate legally now.

However, there is one system that might be of use to a group that is not spread out too much, or that has more than one person willing to invest just a bit of money and time to acquire the right equipment. This is to set up so the group can use their own repeater when the regular systems are down.

Now, a group can easily set up the same types of repeaters that are in use now, with expensive equipment mounted on mountain peaks or on top of very tall buildings, or on very tall privately owned tower. It is expensive, and there must be people willing to set it up, maintain it, and regularly test it. This is much to ask of individuals within a group.

The alternative I have chosen, though certainly not legal to use now, WHICH I DO NOT DO, I would be willing to set up and use in an obviously long-term situation where there is not, and will not be, rule-of-law for such things, is not too expensive and is relatively easy to set up and use.

The system does not have nearly the range of the repeater systems we currently use, however, with proper antenna placement, this DIY repeater system using inexpensive Baofeng handheld radios and a repeater cable, can, with good remote antenna placement, cover a few square mile area that group members can access and communicate with each other using the same techniques now in use.

If anyone is interested, I have an article that describes the other radio bands and systems that are available as mentioned above, that includes typical ranges and other information that could be useful. Just respond to this post and I will add another post to include that information.

An electronic but non-radio communications method:

PA/Loudspeakers: Some mobile radios, primarily CB mobiles and Emergency Services Radios, such as police and fire services, have a PA setting and an outside or behind the grill-mounted loudspeaker. This gives the emergency services a way to warn people of dangers and to issue instructions.

While we as preppers are not likely to have a police or fire service mobile radio, having a CB is a very good idea. And if you get one with a PA setting and connection for an external speaker, then you can give announcements, information, etc. from the safety of a vehicle.

Also, police and fire vehicles will sometimes have a separate piece of gear that is a standalone PA system. And some siren systems have a PA setting. You will not probably have a siren, but you can have a separate PA system in your vehicle.

Of course, as many have seen used on TV on the news, and in TV programs and movies, the ubiquitous handheld PA Loudspeaker. There are some inexpensive ones, as well as some that are quite expensive. If you need to get word out to a group of people out in the open, and sometimes people in buildings, a good PA/Loudspeaker system can do the job. It is not going to be a general use communications device, but I do see it playing a part in a complete communications plan, especially since they can be used to increase the sound level of many of the items listed below.

Now, on to some non-radio, non-electronic communications methods that could prove useful to a group in the event the local VHF and UHF repeater system is down.

Some non-radio/non-electronic communications methods:

Sound Powered Phones: While technically I suppose this could be considered electronic, Sound Powered Phones are kind of in-between. Yes, they do have electronic circuitry inside to make them work, it is very simple and very reliable, and most do not require any type of power supply. Thus, the Sound Powered moniker.

There are some systems that do use a battery to work a simple ringer system so one knows when a call is coming in without constant monitoring of the line, and a few use a battery to drive the microphone and speaker elements to increase the range and reliability of the units. The main thing is that they are independent of any outside lines and power.

They all do need to be connected with a set of wires. These can often be fairly small gauge, and can be quite long, depending on the particular phones and the gauge of the wires, and how well insulated and installed those wires are.

Switchboard systems can be set up so all stations go to this point and then are connected by an operator to each other as needed; or a system can have every station connected to a single pair of wires in common; or multiple point-to-point systems can be used with messages being relayed to the next station after being received on the point-to-point system from the previous station.

These systems work best when set up by a group sharing common property, whether it be a rural area, or a large building or group of buildings in an urban or suburban area.

Even systems in good shape, from before WW II can be very effective. Modern versions using microelectronics can be quite sophisticated, though more susceptible to EMP if not protected, and use standard telephones, even old rotary versions in some cases.

Simple powered local site telephone system: Another partially electrical and/or electronic, but not over the air system. Standard telephones can be connected to a fairly simple local network, using some electronic devices available on-line. From very simple to actually pretty sophisticated, these systems can work quite well, though they are susceptible to EMP if not protected.

Telegraph system: Another wired system, but very simple. Does need a bit of power, more for longer distances. Batteries, with solar, generator, or crank re-charging, or as used originally, earth battery system, can be used for the longer distances. Mostly used with well known Morse Code dots and dashes (more appropriately dits and dahs), if there is much chance of someone tapping into the wires somewhere between the points that are supposed to be communicating with each other, a code of ones? own making might need to be used to avoid anyone that does tap into the line from understanding what information that is being transmitted actually is. Still probably dits and dahs, at least of a fashion, there can be far more variations, and if one has working computers at each end of the line, very sophisticated codes can be created and sent, coded and decoded by the computer. And the computers can be very simple ones from the early days of home computers, to the single board computers now available for less than $50 each.

Body signals: If two or more people are within sight of each other, close enough to make out reasonably well different body positions at least, with the ability to see hand motions even better, pre-arranged information can be conveyed without sound. There are several ?standard? sets of hand signals for just about every type of situation. Making up some for a group will work, without giving anything away to anyone familiar with the standard ones. If the hands cannot be seen well enough, larger body motions can be used.

 Messengers: travelling by several methods from foot to human powered conveyances to motorized transport on land, water, or air.

 Couriers: Similar to messengers, except will be carrying documents or other items rather than just simple word-of-mouth or simple written messages.

Animal couriers: These can be problematical. Carrier pigeons, if well trained for the purpose can work very well, though are not absolute. They are trained to fly home from where they are, within the area in which they are trained. They are not a two-way communications system. Only one way. And if/when it becomes known that they are being used, every bird seen in the sky will be destroyed if possible. And they can be lost due to various natural dangers, including raptors and other predators, and weather factors.

Well trained dogs can be just about as effective, for shorter distances, for some messaging situations, but they are also at high risk. However, many can be trained to go to and from a small number of locations on command, unlike pigeons, but that depends on the specific animal. They can also usually carry much larger objects, as opposed to the small micro coded slips of paper pigeons usually carry.

Small pets, including a few rodent types, can be used to send messages through enclosed passages, such as pipes, HVAC conduits, and such, within  buildings or between connected buildings, when using the passages as voice tubes is not viable.

Any messages sent by animal couriers of any type should be encoded and multiple forms of getting the message to the receiving party should also be used, if at all possible.

 Signal flags: Hand held, either standard or custom designs. Including marine signal flags. And even a simple flag, on a flag pole, can be raised and lowered in specific patterns, much like a semaphore works, to transmit information.

Semaphore: pole, vehicle, or building mounted with direct hand control, mechanical or electrical remote control.

Panel/area signals: Use of cloth or panels made from other materials can be used, much like the standard set of panels packed in military survival kits and can be effective. If larger versions are used, they can be seen from further away. And not just from airplanes. If they are laid out on sloped ground or held up by supports, they can be seen from others that are high enough. Custom panels can be made, varied by color and/or shape, to provide specific information.

Signal mirror: simple hand held mirror, as well as actual signal mirrors that can be aimed a bit better.

 Heliograph: A signal mirror in a device that can be aimed, with a shutter to be able to do controlled flashes of light. Works only when at least some sun is available, or can use an artificial source of light to produce a form of a blinker light, such as candles, battery flashlights, chemical lights, even lasers. Laser versions can be aimed very precisely, and will not be visible very far off the center line, unless debris is in the air, or fog is between the two points. If equipped with an IR laser and IR goggles, they can be even more clandestine.

Blinker light: Can be a battery-operated portable light with trigger or other shutter control used for signaling. Can also use non-electrical sources of light. As with heliographs, other sources of light can be used. Candles, battery flashlights, chemical lights, even lasers.

 Alpenhorns/bicycle horns/trumpets/
didgeridoos: Can be air powered, breath powered, or electrically powered. Musical instruments, toy music makers, commercial devices also fall into this group. Make up your own alphabet or word language, as many of the current standard forms, such as Morse Code, do not lend themselves to use with these instruments.
Bullroarer/rhombus/turndun: From the ancient versions to the modern Australian version, in various tonal designs, these can be used for fairly long-distance comms. With the same proviso of creating your own language with which to ?speak? with these instruments.

Drums: The classic ?primitive comms?. Can actually be very sophisticated. From toy tom-toms to massive deep base drums that can signal over vast distances. Every culture had their own set of sounds that meant specific things.

 Yodeling: Another ancient form of long-distance human produced sound communication. Can be simple to complex, depending on the skills of the communicators using the method. Most effective in mountainous regions as the sound can be channeled through canyons and valleys, between mountains and ridges, and as the voice will echo very well, can be bounced off obstructions to essentially turn corners and to extend the range.

 Whistles: Like horns and trumpets, can be powered by various means, and can be cheap toys to sophisticated commercial versions.

Bells: From simple toy triangle or bike bell, to jingle bells to cow bells to dinner bell triangles to drum set cymbals. As with drums, can be used to convey fairly sophisticated sets of information.

Megaphone: Primarily the unpowered, simple cone shaped type sometimes still used by cheerleaders, can be used to project one?s voice, and can often be used in conjunction with some of the other devices that use sound to both direct the sound further, and if steps are taken to shield the device in other directions, limit the area in which the sounds will be heard.

Tin can & string phone: Do not discount this children?s fun device. It can be a viable communications device in some instances. Just stay aware of the limitations of how the string must be kept clear of anything that will touch it and dampen the vibrations it carries from one can to the other.

Voice tube: Can be highly effective for point to point comms. And can often be very unobtrusive or camouflaged as simple piping. Using a reverse megaphone on the ends will increase the volume, as well as help shield the talker?s voice. And other sound devices can be used if talking is not the best option. Depending on the complexity of the tube configuration, conduit snakes can be used in the tubes to push/pull small message containers through.

Vacuum tube systems: Not electrical vacuum tubes. If one can salvage or buy ahead of time, one of the vacuum tube systems that used to be common at some banks for their drive-throughs, and in-house at many businesses for internal communications, mail, and small package delivery; a system can be rigged to use them, if the power for the vacuum pump is available. Not all that viable of a system in many cases, however, it might be possible to use the system, sans the vacuum part, by stringing cord or cable through the tubing and pull the containers back and forth. Or, since air pressure is easier DIY than vacuum, the system might be rigged to use air pressure from each end to send the containers back and forth.

Dumb waiters: These do not have to be vertical. Nor an actual dumb waiter. The principle, however, of a small box being hoisted/lowered or pulled back and forth horizontally, is valid in some situations, especially if larger items must be moved between areas where making space for humans to travel is not viable.

Flame devices: Flares, smoke signals, flaming arrows, signal fires, and such can be used. Until you run out of them, or the supplies to make them. Plus, the launched fire types can be a severe hazard in dry areas that can burn. However, they can be very effective, and if extensive supplies are laid in, or they are naturally renewable locally, they can actually be useful over much longer periods of time. And unlike what is usually seen in old western movies, there are several more ways to use signal fires/smoke signals than just puffs of smoke from a smoky fire covered and uncovered by a wet blanket. Arrangements of multiple small smoky fires, colors of smoke created by adding natural chemicals to the fire, and just the location of single fires can all furnish specific information to those that know what each means.

Pyrotechnics: Besides the standard perimeter alarm systems using various ammunition types or other pyrotechnic devices, there are quite a few other ways to use pyrotechnics. Of course, three shots fired at very short intervals is one that most know. In addition, however, and much less expensive, is the use of things like various fireworks items. There is a huge variety of them available, and each one can have a specific meaning. And when it comes to the basic firecracker, how they are set off can provide various pieces of information. Individual, two, three or various other combinations set off in specific timed intervals can be very useful. Of course, these are consumables, and unless one can make their own, will eventually run out, or go bad if not stored correctly.

Sound cannon: Various types of sound cannons and other area bird denial devices can be used, though some consume quite a bit of whatever product they use to create the sound. I do not really consider these too useful, except for very serious situations when signaling long distance is needed.

Field signals: There are several ?standard? sets of signal types used in field work such as hiking, camping, patrolling, surveying, and such. Rock cairns; tree blazes; trail markers such as thumb tacks/push pins, colored yarn, warning tape, etc.; bent/broken branches; and several other methods can be used to provide much more information than what is usually provided by these methods. Simply set up your own definitions for each of the various standard versions.

Drops: Like some of the other methods listed, drops are not an immediate system, but fairly detailed, complex, or large quantity/large size types of information can be done with drops. The sender leaves the item(s) in a secure location that the recipient knows is a drop, and the recipient is either sent word by some other means, or checks the spot on some type of schedule (not one that can be recognized as a pattern), and picks up the item(s). Drops can be used in just about any area, from downtown in the largest mega-cities, to remote wilderness areas. They simply must be known by all that need to use them, chosen in a manner that makes them secure for those using them, and not likely to be discovered by others.

Broad signals: I consider these to be signals that can be seen and interpreted by those in the know, that are out in the open, but will not mean anything to anyone that is not in the know. Billboards can be a version. Not the actual display on the billboard, but some type of minor modification or addition, that can be looked for and discerned, but will not be noticed by anyone else, or if it is noticed, not given any sort of attention. Placement of specific objects in specific places. A towel draped over a balcony. A pulled shade on a specific window. Or a specific item in a specific window. The options are endless. Just use some imagination.

Water based signals: Many of the signaling systems listed here can be used on the water. However, there are several more specific to water. One is dye. Dumping various colors of dye in the water can mean specific things. Floating objects can be as well. In moving water, messages can be sent downstream in floating containers, or in containers suspended under a floating object. These require someone to be monitoring the water so they can retrieve the object, or there must be some type of automatic retrieval system.

Flying signals: Kites (different colors/styles/shapes) can be used to provide different types of information. Since they will be seen by many others, they are rather limited to use when kites are likely to be in the air normally. Helium balloons, of various colors and shapes, either freed or on a tether, can be used similarly, as long as helium is available, or a source of hydrogen is available, such as by electrolysis.

If need be, small hot air balloons can be made and used in a similar fashion. And the classic interpretation of an early use of hot air balloons, that of sending up observers and spotters in balloons, often just as an attack was about to commence, of ?When the balloon goes up,? could actually be one use of a small balloon.

I am sure there are other methods I have not considered, thought of, or remembered, so please add any that you might know or have thought of or created.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.

Just my opinion.
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