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NNPG Radio Net / It's Wet And Essential
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on May 25, 2023, 01:07:09 PM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Net has been posted.
We talked about Water again and how important it is to you and your loved ones.

Here's your Link:  http://nnpg.net/052423_radio.shtml
Gardening and Farming / сплав
« Last post by Kathrynfah on May 24, 2023, 11:12:39 AM »
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General Discussion / сплав
« Last post by Kathrynfah on May 24, 2023, 11:11:12 AM »
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General Discussion / Prepper Radio Net Chat 05/17/23
« Last post by Jerry D Young on May 22, 2023, 11:29:19 AM »
Prepper Radio Net Chat 05/17/23

K7KBJ @guest948386 5d
The Virginia Peak repeater, 147.030, machine is back on the air!!! Thanks to our SNARS Technical team for some great work and the members of SNARS for financing the cost....

David - K7DWW @k7dww 5d
Hello everyone...

JC @JC 5d
Good evening!

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d

K7KBJ @guest948386 5d
Jerry, try your radio. The Virginia Peak repeater is back on line.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Guatemala had a mag. earthquake about hours ago.

K7KBJ @guest948386 5d
mag. what?

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
magnitude 6.4 earthquake

K7KBJ @guest948386 5d
Probably because of all the people leaving caused the land to rise a bit.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Could be. I had not thought about that cause.

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
Where did Jerry go?

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
There he is!

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
Jerry, try your radio. The Virginia Peak repeater is back on line.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
I have been trying. It seems to be transmitting.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
I take it you did not hear me.

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
Jerry, no. I guess the link is not yet up to Winemucca

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
Jerry, is your repeater working there?

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
My thanks to the SNARS team and Best of the West team for getting the Virginia Peak repeater up.

K7IN - Paul @K7IN 5d
Virginia Peak is very strong here in Fallon.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
It is not sending me the return ID burst.

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
Jerry, perhaps your radio is not set up for your repeater there.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
146.67 -600 123.0

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
I don't know what it should be. Do you hear any traffic while you are not transmitting?

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
If the link is up, you should be hearing us.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
Negative. Not hearing anything on the feed, either.

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
If your radio is set on the correct frequency....

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
The feed? you mean my audio on the web?

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
I checked the SNARS repeater page and got those number just to double check.

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
The web audio is working great.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
The live audio feed here in chat.

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
Refresh the page. Always refresh the page before trying anything.

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
I'm using the feed here on the chat page and it is working perfectly

K7IN - Paul @K7IN 5d
I don't hear anything on 146.67 and can't bring it you. I used to from Fallon. So, that machine is probably down.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
Got the live feed.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Very smokey here in Idaho due to a number of large forest fires up in Canada around Calgary. Welcome fire season.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
I sure hope the fire season is a mild one. Fingers and toes are all crossed. Well... the ones I can cross.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Watched a person see the light about prepping as we were discussing how set up shelters for people surviving a Cascadia earthquake,

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
Lots of new 'experts' around, too. All kinds of training being offered, for some hefty fees.

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
We were getting so sick and tired (sick, literally) from having all that smoke in the air for so long.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
I sure was. I know it only helps to a degree, but I was using my mask whenever I was out.

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
It is a way of life for me.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Yep, fire season can be a real downer. quite a few U.S. crews in Canada fighting their fires.

JC @JC 5d
The "experts" you talk about Jerry is what makes me nervous. As you know I'm new to this and thankful for Idaho70 to be guiding me, but a lot of my Millennial friends are falling for the courses and such with huge fees! They want to know how to prep but the internet takes advantage of those who are new

K7IN - Paul @K7IN 5d
Wildfires have certainly ruined a lot of great summer weather the last few years.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Lots of rain this year so lots of grass and other vegetation and we are heading into a heat wave next week so it could be a long dangerous fire season.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
Has been for a long time. It does not keep me from doing other things, but I am always aware , ready to react to whatever might happen. Just about everything I purchase I consider how it will affect and preferably help my prepping.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
Yes. Here in and around Winnemucca things are greening up.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Identifying ways to reduce the fire hazard around my place. Not in a fire district so it is up to be for the most part.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
Even when I was in a high fire danger area I did many things in addition to what was recommended.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
I will be doing a lot of discing and tree cutting and trimming this year.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
List up to 212, with 22 things that the disasters can cause to happen that I prep for and another 24 of daily life stuff that can happen to me.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
Excellent. Removing high energy fuels from around a place goes a long way to reduce the chances of a building catching fire.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
Kilo Seven Kilo Kilo X-ray Jerry checking in via chat from Winnemucca.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Had a guy come in a chip up and take down trees last year. I now have a very nice big (about 300 feet deep) cleared area on one side of my house. Very defensible.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
Well done.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Looks like a park now. Will make a big difference come deer season.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
That sounds great, Keith.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
I believe prepping makes sense, as it does for me, because it simply is an enhancement to ones weekly shopping trip to keep their pantry filled and then you wind up with plenty to handle a lengthy situation where resupply might be difficult.

JC @JC 5d
Thank you for all the advice and the website! It's filled with all the knowledge!

K7IN - Paul @K7IN 5d
The Virginia Peak repeater is a "new" machine and should be just fine for years to come. Dave Metz mentioned last year when it went down that he had a new one lined up to replace it.

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
I'm using Virginia Peak now.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
Also, the same thing goes for other things you do, some that involve purchases and many that do not. Even choosing which movie to watch can incorporate one that helps with prepping and another that is simply fun, that amazingly, having watched a prepping movie a fun movie suddenly is looked at in a new way. You start trying to figure out how you might deal with the movie situation as something a prepper might run into.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
The lady who had her Jesus come to Prepping revelation Monday night had it after Judy and I related our disaster experiences and what to expect. All of a sudden she realized that she could not even properly take care of her family let alone shell shocked evacuees coming into a shelter. A convert was born Monday night.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
I agree, David. Ken is right. You have a great presentation there. I have a feeling you are helping a bunch of people get into prepping, possibly just in time to keep bad things from happening to them.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
That is often how it happens. A person is exposed to something or someone that has dealt with some type of situation that during the discussion they suddenly realize they would not be able to deal with it effectively.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
And more importantly, they often realize that they could not take care of their families and people they care about.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Her first question was "What do I need, water food.....?" She was really shocked when realization hit her.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
I try not to overwhelm people just getting started, though that can be difficult for me. Now adays, people are seeing things that might happen very soon. It used to be people prepped for things that might happen some time in the future. Now they prep for things that might happen literally tomorrow.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
At least she is now thinking about things.

JC @JC 5d
What about a deck of cards or something to recreate with to help your mental health with the stuff that is going on outside your area?

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
JC, do you mean like the Conflicted card game?

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
A person sees and learns lots of things about people when you are manning a evacuation shelter with about 14,000 people shoved in there.

JC @JC 5d
Good to know about pears! I have a pear tree and planned on canning this year!


JC @JC 5d
Ohhhh, I don't know about this Conflicted Card Game, but after a quick Google I'm intrigued!

having a hard time getting my icom 705 to transmit

in apt with bug antenna.

lemmon valley

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
Hi KK7JQS . Sorry

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
A deck of cards is a good thing to have. Jerry is talking about a card game that is a simulated disaster game

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
Several of us in and around Reno used to get together and play a version of it once a month. It was a great teaching tool.

JC @JC 5d
I see that Idaho, I've added it to my Amazon list wink wink

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Ok, I get the hint.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Judy just freeze dried some apples that are great tasting.

JC @JC 5d
My mom freeze dries and it's sooo good! Freeze dry skittles!!

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Another excellent comfort food to have/

patriot food supply has decent prices we just buy a lot of the 72 hour kits

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
To take my mind off things at time, when I really need a break, I will use one of my selections for stress relief. Cards, dice for Yahtz and other games. A few travel size games.

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
David, did Jim say he was in/out? You skipped him.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
I really need to reduce my footprint, as in storage space, so I will be bringing quite a few things that will be going onto the barter blanket.

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
David, did Jim say he was in/out? You skipped him.

K7IN - Paul @K7IN 5d
Good night all, see ya next week!

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
Good evening..........

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Jamie, still there?

JC @JC 5d
I am

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
did you get any good stuff tonight.

JC @JC 5d
Jerry, Yahtzee is legit the best game ever and needs to continue even after stuff hits the fan!

David - K7DWW @k7dww 5d
Ken...Yes....Jim said he was "monitoring"

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
I have not been doing great the last few days so I am calling it a night. Hopefully I can talk next week.

JC @JC 5d
Lots of great info! Thank you everyone. My notebook is getting quite full

can anyone here me on the repeater.

David - K7DWW @k7dww 5d
Night everyone

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
JQS, no on the repeater

i have freq set to 147.210 tone 100 and + 600

David - K7DWW @k7dww 5d
JC...have you had an opportunity to look at any of the stuff yet?

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
I agree JC.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Comfort stuff and foods are important. In stressful times a person must be able to relax some.

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
JQS, those are the correct settings

not sure what im doing wrong. my baofeng transmits..

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
Do you have Virginia Peak programmed?

not into the icom but i do in my anytone dmr

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
147.150 + 123.0

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
sorry... wrong one

K7KBJ @kjuenke 5d
147.030 + 123.0

i can hear on both however both wont transmit. a setting i think

JC @JC 5d
David, I have been looking through it, thank you!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
Exactly. It is extremely important to make sure younger people, from children up through teens and young adults, have a way to get rid of some stress. That should probably include some physical things, too. I have various balls and outdoor small space games.

David - K7DWW @k7dww 5d
Great...Night everyone

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 5d
Well, I do need to lie down and get some more rest. See you next week.

JC @JC 5d
Thank you everyone, sweet dreams!

Idaho70 @Idaho70 5d
Have a good night Jerry. Catch next week. 73 all.
NNPG Radio Net / Re: David's Prepper University
« Last post by Jerry D Young on May 19, 2023, 09:59:02 AM »
Thank you, Ken.
NNPG Radio Net / David's Prepper University
« Last post by Ken K7KBJ on May 18, 2023, 12:41:49 PM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Net has been posted.
We were introduced to David's Prepper University.

Here's your link:  http://nnpg.net/051723_radio.shtml
Gardening and Farming / сплав
« Last post by Kathrynfah on May 15, 2023, 07:47:46 AM »
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General Discussion / сплав
« Last post by Kathrynfah on May 15, 2023, 07:46:29 AM »
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General Discussion / Prepper Radio Net Chat 05/10/23
« Last post by Jerry D Young on May 14, 2023, 08:20:57 AM »

David - K7DWW @k7dww 11d
Good evening...

David - K7DWW @k7dww 11d
JC...Your dad lives in idaho...what state do you live in?

JC @JC 11d
Hello! I just moved to the Washington Peninsula

David - K7DWW @k7dww 11d
WOW! Is there any chance you will join him for the TRT run event?

David - K7DWW @k7dww 11d
Hi Jerry...how are you?

JC @JC 11d
I'm looking into it for sure!

David - K7DWW @k7dww 11d
Really...it would be great. We have a great station and it's loads of fun.

JC @JC 11d
He always talks about how great it is for sure

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Hey, David. And JC. Been better. Couple of bad days. I will punch out of it soon. Got one of the meds I have been waiting to come in. It should help get my blood sugar back down.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
Hello all

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Still ambulatory and driving okay, so that is all good.

David - K7DWW @k7dww 11d
Glad to hear you got the meds...Hope you get to "dancing" soon

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Man, me, too.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Hey Keith. I think.

David - K7DWW @k7dww 11d
Ken...Possible question #1...what benefits will "packet" radio play in the event of an emergency?

David - K7DWW @k7dww 11d
Hi Keith

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
Glad you could make it, you always add so much to the discussion. Keith

David - K7DWW @k7dww 11d
Keith...we had snow two days in a row...Tell me Idaho is warmer!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Since not too many people are geared up for packet it would make a good control channel for leadership people.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
Hit 87 yesterday and 84 today. Too hot.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
We had a couple of those days over the weekend here in Winnemucca. Hit me like a ton of bricks.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Like walking into a wall when I went outside.

David - K7DWW @k7dww 11d
Ken...Question #2 - We've discussed chickens and rabbits as good prepper animals...what others should be considered and why

David - K7DWW @k7dww 11d
Had 2 inches this morning, but all gone by 10:30

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
Snow is pretty much gone up here, but now comes the road repairs and such and then onto preparing for the next winter. But right now spring and summer are absolutely beautiful. Rivers running very high.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
If there is a group that can provide the breeding stock and keep the genetics viable I would say a milk cow. It does take quite a bit of infrastructure however, with needing to be freshened every year, birthing the calf, and doing without the milk for those months between breeding and delivery.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
I would say pigs would be the next best choice until a group could support a milk cow.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
Heat changing so quickly is very toiugh.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Sounding good on the link on the computer.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
Quail, guinnie (sp) hens. Protein, eggs and security sirens. Worms for fishing, improving ground and feeding the birds.

David - K7DWW @k7dww 11d
Ken's not available...I've got th net tonight...

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Those with packet will have an advantage over those that do not with the reliability and clarity that packet can make possible. Less traffic interference I believe. Certainly not an absolute, but better than many of the alternatives.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Good points, Keith.

David - K7DWW @k7dww 11d
Hi everyone

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
I tend to think of the main stock animals such as chickens, pigs, milk cow, beef cattle.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Hey David.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Hey Stacie.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
Gotta keep the birds fed during winter. No bugs to forage on unless you set up your own bug growing facility.

W7LTE @W7LTE 11d
Hi everyone

Stacie @KJ7RNN 11d
Hi Jerry and everyone!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
I think, with a vertical grow aquaponics greenhouse, worm beds, and rabbit hutches bugs could also be herded and kept for the various other birds and such. Year round.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
I like the stock animals also as I grew up on a cattle ranch. Need to add goats to list on animals as well as sheep. Cows take up a large area, also include horses for work and travel. People with smaller places can make do with milk and meat goats and sheep.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
I know. I just do not like goats or sheep. We had both a couple of times when I was growing up on the tiny homestead. They were so much work for so little gain.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
That is a really good idea about vertical growing

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Of course we had two milk cows that were serviced by one or the other of a couple of our friends with bulls. 25 or so chickens, usually two runt piglets we got from our landlord who was a cattle and pig farmer and always had a few that would not make it without special care.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
Pygmy goats can produce a gallon or more of milk per day. Being a beef cattleman I must admit I really hate milking animals twice a day.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
I think the combination of a good greenhouse, vertical grow system as part of an aquaponics system with the rabbits and worms completing the circuit.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
I was too young to have to milk. I was the chicken herder and dog feeder and waterer.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
Rabbits give you protein and fertilizer which will keep the worms happy and thus happy and full chickens.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Kilo Seven Kilo Kilo X-ray Jerry in Winnemucca.

W7LTE @W7LTE 11d
Anyone have any experience driving a Sandpoint well?

Peaceful Companion @guest1283464 11d

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
That is for sure. And worms are a treat for the fish, as well. I believe that a chicken coop can be build against the greenhouse with limited access to the garden for bug control. A large protected run plus a couple of chicken tractors to essentially free range the chickens.

Peaceful Companion @guest1283464 11d

Peaceful Companion @guest1283464 11d
Is Ken here

Stacie @KJ7RNN 11d
Ken is out of town this week.

Peaceful Companion @guest1283464 11d

Peaceful Companion @guest1283464 11d

Peaceful Companion @guest1283464 11d
I will check i with a couple of questions

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Did a bunch in southeast Missouri. First by hand and then my father build a mechanical driver that made it much easier. We went to 2" wells after he made the driver where before 1 1/4" was about all we could manage. We did a couple of 2" driven wells by hand and it nearly killed us both.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
We found a really high quality point that had features that made it much better than the standard points with the screen on the outside of the pipe. I will find a link and post it in chat on [font=Varela Round !important]nnpg.net[/font] chat.[font=Varela Round !important]

The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group - Home
The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group[/font]

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
My chickens overnight in a conex for bear protection. During the day they are free to roam.

W7LTE @W7LTE 11d
I've been trying for a couple days. Hitting sandstone (I believe) about 6 feet down. I can't figure out how to get through it. I've pounded and pounded and nothing. Tried an earth auger to drill down a bit and got stuck at the same point with that too.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
I will also post my articles and drawings of that driver and the method we used to jet PVC wells.

W7LTE @W7LTE 11d
I'm in water about three feet down, so it'll work until late summer. But it won't be reliable. Lol

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
When you drive a point into sand it is like gripping the pipe in a vice that has sandpaper on the jaws. It locks it up tight. It takes lot of hammering to get through it. Or, perhaps switching to jetting the point in.

W7LTE @W7LTE 11d
I'll check the forum and see what else you post Jerry.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Nor safe. Water that shallow will have all kinds of stuff in it.

W7LTE @W7LTE 11d
Exactly. We just use it for bathing, not ingesting in any way though.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Okay. I will put up all my water and wells articles before next Wednesday. I will try to get it up tomorrow.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Ah. That is not so bad. What has the draw been?

W7LTE @W7LTE 11d
I haven't actually tried pulling from the well yet. We've been pulling water straight out of the creek for the last year.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
I tend to agree, Johann. More people will have analog than any other mode. CW would work if you hand send. Given power a Morse generator reader would help, I think. Part of it depends on the goal of the conversation is. Some things need to be as private as possible. Some of it needs to be heard by as many people as possible.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Okay. Got it. Is the creek close enough to where the well needs to be to provide water to use to jet a point in?

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Actually pulling from a tank is better so the water can be recycled the easiest.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Which is needed to get enough clays in the water to help seal the hole as it goes down. Long enough to get the pipe and point to the bottom of the hole.

W7LTE @W7LTE 11d
Yeah. We have surface water maybe 20ft from where the well is going.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Did you dowse the property for the location for the well?

W7LTE @W7LTE 11d
No, just went to the lowest point that is easily accessible, and where I know there is water year round because I dug a hole 🤣

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Oh. With surface water right there just about any location should be adequate. We just had a policy that if we dowsed we guaranteed a minimum of 5-gallons of water or more. If it was lesss we did not charge them.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
That works, too. lol

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
Dousing for water is pretty accurate if done by someone who knows what they are doing. My Dad always said he did not believe in it, but boy could he find the water with a willow fork.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Yep. In over 500 wells we put in after I started dowsing we did not have a single failue. Cannot say the same for the 50 or so that we put in before I began to dowse.

W7LTE @W7LTE 11d
That's really cool.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
Jerry has the touch!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Thank you!

W7LTE @W7LTE 11d
I'll check the forum in a couple days for your info. I think jetting might work. If that doesn't I'm about to the point that I'm going to dig a huge hole down to whatever I'm hitting and go at it with a pickaxe. That should keep me busy for a few days. Hah

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
You would not believe the stuff I have found myself doing.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 11d
It is truly amazing the things that we now deny in our tech world that really worked back in the day.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Beg, borrow, or ... a small rotortiller to break the gound up for easy shoveling. Be sure to have plenty of ventilation, though.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Yep. My father doubted the dowsing, but after went back and checked some of the wells already in and those that showed being in a stream were the good ones and those went in between streams might have had water but the quantity was much less. He was convinced.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Okay. I found the article about driving steel points and the links are still valid that show the good drive couplings, drive caps, and the points we used. I will get it up right after this net.

W7LTE @W7LTE 11d

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
I am pretty sure I can find the jetting article pretty quickly, too.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
After you look at the material and have any questions you can PM me on [font=Varela Round !important]nnpg.net[/font] and I will give you my phone number so you can call for clarifications.[font=Varela Round !important]

The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group - Home
The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group[/font]

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Those swap meets are fantastic! Go if you can.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Wish I could get down to it. I need a new HF radio since the one I had was stolen and not much luck finding it or any of the other things taken.

W7LTE @W7LTE 11d
Sounds good. I'll check it all out tomorrow. I have to go get some sleep, it's almost midnight and I can barely keep my eyes open anymore. This getting old thing sucks!

W7LTE @W7LTE 11d
Gnight y'all!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
Understood. Yeah, but it sure beats the only alternative!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
CW is the best weak signal mode.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 11d
While not as good as a good ear and good hand for receiving and transmitting the CW (Morse Code), using a box that reads the signal and displays the letters and the box that takes keystrokes and converts them to the Morse Code and sends it to the transmitter.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 10d
Like any electronic system, these converters, as good as they are, just simply cannot do quite as well interpreting a a weak signal Morse code CW signal.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX 10d
Good night all.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 10d
Goodnight Everyone. Stay safe until next week.

JC @JC 10d
Good night everyone!

David - K7DWW @k7dww 10d
Good night everyone!

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d

JC @JC 4d

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d
Ken...Possible question #1 for tonight...We are using our ham radios tonight to participate in the net. however, there are lots of listeners that are novices to prepping and to radio communicaions. Can someone take a minute to explain the differences between CB, FRS, GMRS and HF and the benefits.

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d
Ken...possible question #2 - What are the steps or the process you would recommend someone new to prepping should take.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 4d
Hi Jamie

JC @JC 4d
Hi dad!

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d
Hi Keith...

Idaho70 @Idaho70 4d
How are you enjoying your fortress of solitude?

JC @JC 4d
It's great. I organized all the tools you got me as well as my bug out gear today

Idaho70 @Idaho70 4d
Hello David, Are you set up to do digital on your computer for TRT?

Idaho70 @Idaho70 4d
Great, you are learning quickly

Idaho70 @Idaho70 4d
Mom and I spent all day in a ICS 400 class and will do it again tomorrow.

JC @JC 4d
Always good to retake that class

Idaho70 @Idaho70 4d
Arrggg, it is soooo long and mostly boring, but have to know the stuff.

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d
Still need to order the one piece, but will do that when money is available later this month.

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d
Ken...Questions ok?

Idaho70 @Idaho70 4d
You may want to touch bases with Bob Miller to make sure you have everything. Have you joined ARES down there?

JC @JC 4d
David, as a newbie to all of this, I am really interested in the questions you proposed

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d
Good to hear JC...

Idaho70 @Idaho70 4d
David makes great questions, too bad I can't answer them.

JC @JC 4d
You can totally answer them!

Idaho70 @Idaho70 4d
Shhhhhhhhhhh, don't tell anybody but the answer person is Mom.

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d
Trust me JC...he can answer them

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d
Ken...are questions ok and are you going to announce them?

K7KBJ @kjuenke 4d
really busy here.

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d
Do you want me to take the net?

K7KBJ @kjuenke 4d

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d

K7KBJ @kjuenke 4d
I might ask something else.

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d

K7IN - Paul @K7IN 4d
I have UHF capability on ham and GMRS including licenses. I have full FRS capability on the same radio with the appropriate power limitations, all HF bands, and 2m VHF. My VHF and UHF radios are part 90 certified for commercial use as well as ham. However, in an emergency situation, most of the rules do not apply when there are urgent matters that require being on the air.

K7KBJ @kjuenke 4d
Good stuff Paul !

FriendlySelf @guest512 4d
David cut the bottom out of a large plastic bottle put some wire on the bottom to anchor it in the ground. this acts like a mini green house. when the sun is out just unscrew the top for ventilation

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d
Outstanding...thanks a ton!

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d
JC...I have some presentations with answers to my questions...If you could send your e-Mail address to [font=Varela Round !important]dwager1@att.net[/font], I will send you information.

JC @JC 4d
Thanks for all the advice on the garden and high winds. I've definitely noticed where I live it gets super windy so once I get my garden going that will all be super helpful

JC @JC 4d
Cool! I'll do that now, thank you!

David - K7DWW @k7dww 4d
If you want more than what I send you now, just ask...I have lots more.

JC @JC 4d
Thanks! Keith has told me you have SO much knowledge so I appreciate all the guidance!
NNPG Radio Net / Re: End Of Winter Garden Chores
« Last post by Jerry D Young on May 12, 2023, 02:03:49 PM »
Thank you, Ken.
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