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Are you going to attend Prepper Field Day June 23rd to June 25th? (No campsite reservation required!)

Yes. I plan on being there all four days June 22, 23, 24 and 25
Yes. I plan on being there all three days June 23, 24 and 25
Yes, I plan on being there but don't know which days.
I am very interested and will probably go but don't yet know for sure.
I am very interested and will wait for more information before making a decision.
This just is not my thing.

Linked Events

  • 2nd Annual Prepper Field Day: June 23, 2017 - June 25, 2017
  • 2nd Annual Prepper Field Day: June 23, 2017 - June 25, 2017

2nd Annual Prepper Field Day - June 23rd to June 25th 2017

Offline Ken K7KBJ

  • *
  • 663
  • Skills - Engineering, Firearms, Electronics
LAST UPDATE - June 20, 2017

Rob and I will depart Reno on Thursday to arrive in Berlin and begin site preparations.
A few reminders:
Bring your favorite chair.
Fill your fuel tank in Fallon if coming from the Reno area.
If you are coming in to Berlin from elsewhere, make sure to fill up at the last gas station you hit.
Do some research as there is no convenient gas station near Berlin other than in Gabbs and I am not familiar with that town. It's bound to be pricey.
There is no cell phone coverage in Berlin. We are preppers and should be prepared for that, right?
Attached is a Prepper Field Day Starter Packet. Please print this and bring it with you for reference.
(Filename: Prepper Field Day Info and Ops.pdf)

If you have any questions, email me at k7kbj@arrl.net
See you in Berlin !


UPDATE - June 5, 2017 - Get Ready !!!

Our Prepper Field Day event is rapidly approaching !
A few tips for the camper....
We will be at altitude so it may be very cold at night. Please bring extra blankets, jackets and hats.
Don't forget, the ranger needs cash for your $15.00 per day camp fee. We covered the cost of the group area for you.
There is a small fee to tour the fossil site enclosure. This is a very interesting and worthwhile "must see" location. I think it's only a few dollars to get in.
Please remember to email me at k7kbj@arrl.net if you are coming and have not yet let us know.
Tell us when you plan on arriving and when you plan to leave.
We can't wait to see you there!

UPDATE - May 1, 2017 - Camping Info

As mentioned previously, we reserved the Day Use Area which allows tent camping overnight during our event.
RV's, Trailers and Motor homes can be accommodated in the campground which is a few minutes drive from the Day Use Area.
The cost is the same if you use a tent in the Day Use area or bring a trailer or motor home for the campground.
Please respond to the RSVP I sent which will go to all forum members with a valid email address.
If you DID NOT receive today's RSVP request, email me at k7kbj@arrl.net. We need to know if you will be there.

UPDATE - April 27, 2017 - The Icky Light Show

Greg Ford, N7SAX, is coordinating this awesome event for all of us to enjoy.
Here he gives us his report...

Announcing the Prepper Field Day 2017 Icky Light Show

NNPG has chosen Berlin State Park, Nevada, East-South-East of Fallon, home of the Nevada Ichthyosaur Fossil site, elevation 7,000 feet, for their 2017 Prepper Field Day site, June 22 to 25   http://parks.nv.gov/parks/berlin-ichthyosaur

The word Ichthyosaur is derived from Greek ??? ??/ichthys meaning fish and sa? ??? /sauros meaning lizard.  The Ichthyosaur is fascinating.

The Park received a Government grant awhile back to improve the Fossil House which among other things includes a ceiling mounted multi-color spot light system to enhance and dramatize the Fossil presentation in a darkened room scenario.  We have made arrangements with the Park to receive a group presentation Saturday night at 9:00.

Interestingly, it will be the first time for the illuminated presentation we have nick-named the Icky Light Show.  There will be a $3.00 per person charge. Please bring CASH.

Interesting, Educational & Fun.

See you in Berlin.

UPDATE - April 10, 2017 - Discount for NV residents confirmed!  $15.00 per vehicle per night for NV residents.

UPDATE - April 10, 2017
- Fee update and more info.

I made a mistake and misquoted the camping fee.
Per the application, it states the fee is $17.00 per night per vehicle.
This is still cheap for what we get and it's possible there may be a discount for those vehicles with NV plates.
If I can confirm this I will post another update.
I just submitted our application and the site is now reserved for arrival on Thursday June 22nd with a departure date of Monday, June 26th.
Soon, I will post more information regarding the classes we plan on offering for the weekend.
Please email me at k7kbj@arrl.net to RSVP and if you have any suggestions or questions.
This will be a great event and we look forward to having you attend.

UPDATE - April 4, 2017

Our scouting party just returned from Berlin, NV with great news !

We have chosen the Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park as our location for Prepper Field Day 2017.
This is a fantastic site for the following reasons....
1. It is at altitude so we expect daytime temperatures to be tolerable in June.
2. It's cheap, just $7.00 per car per day with a $2.00 discount for NV residents.
3. We are able to reserve the group area so we are assured space for all participants.
4. So much to do even if you are not interested in radio, check out the website:  http://parks.nv.gov/parks/berlin-ichthyosaur
5. Lots of shade and trees, great location for our Radio Room and ample space for antennas.

We are reserving the group area for Thursday June 22 through Sunday, June 25 so you can arrive any day in that range.

Please email me with any questions at k7kbj@arrl.net.
Because we have changed locations I reset the poll and I would really like to have email RSVP so we have an idea of how many people are coming.
Also, feel free to post to this topic with all your ideas and comments. We would love to offer some classes and activities as well so let us know what you would like to see.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 03:56:59 PM by Ken K7KBJ »
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