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Book Review: Pandemic Home Care

Book Review: Pandemic Home Care
« on: April 18, 2020, 07:16:05 PM »
Pandemic Home Review

Pandemic Home Care: A Detailed Guide for Caring for the Ill at Home


I very recently came across mention of this book and pursued same. To say that it is ‘odd’ as far as prep books go might be a bit of an understatement.

The authors are nursing academics who joined forces to write this book back in 2008, with a revision in 2013 and once more this year.

I started taking some notes as I read through and sent this thought to someone else with a prep book out:

I am on page 43 of 85 and struggling to stay awake. Think Masters and Doctoral degree nurses sitting in offices trying to explain to the masses using little words and simple illustrations how to care for a pandemic flu patient.

Truthfully, the book reads like a cross between nursing policy manual and a Nursing Aid textbook. I did not find any clinically wrong material but the delivery style is very dry. Example:

CAUTION: In a non-pandemic situation, a family member or caregiver in charge of a sick person with this level of fever, breathing difficulty and dehydration would make an appointment for care or go to an Urgent Care Center or an Emergency Room. During a pandemic, the sick person may need to be taken care of at home because the usual health care resources may not be available, or authorities have advised you to stay home.

And further:

Stay with the sick person, talk to them and just be with them. Some people with severe symptoms will get better — others will not. Remember, you are doing the best you can in a very difficult situation.

To their credit they do address head on the possibility of death and offer what I consider to be a miniaturized course in death and dying – three pages worth.

The book is intended to be read and used ahead of a pandemic, and with that in mind offers 14 pages of appendixes with references for off-grid living and cooking, etc. One example that would be of virtually no use during the times of trial is the mention of TMEN:

Mother Earth News, www.motherearthnews.com. This magazine has more than two decades of archived information on all aspects of off-the-grid and sustainable living available on CDs.

Truly useful well in advance of a pandemic, and shutting the barn door after the horse has fled otherwise.

Other advice includes considering rocket stoves vs. masonry. Not something you would expect to be worried about during a pandemic. It is almost as if someone did some light reading on preparedness and is trying to give knowledgeable advice.

The good news is that it is a download rather than a hard copy and costs a mere $3 to access. Available through the URL above.

I rate this one 3 hemostats and a Derf needle holder for very dry but mixed useful information for non-clinicians.
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Offline Jerry D Young

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Re: Book Review: Pandemic Home Care
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2020, 11:01:37 AM »

Thank you again, RR.

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Jerry D Young

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and always remember TANSTAAFL

(TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - Robert A. Heinlein)