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Offline Jerry D Young

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« on: November 09, 2021, 04:17:38 PM »
The link in this post is for a youtube video done by Bull-Hanson. He is a Norwegian who, that besides being a modern Viking, is a prepper. I watch many of his videos as he has a very deep and insightful approach to prepping, but primarily for his well-thought-out opinions, ideas, and observations.

He has many insights into what goes on in Europe, Russia, and the rest of that area that I have not found anywhere else. This particular video is about HAZMAT PPE gear that he purchased after doing much research. He did purchase it. It was not provided to him by the company for a review. (One of the things I like about him.)

Mira Safety is fairly new on the Prepping Supplies scene, but having also done my research, I have chosen their products to supplement others that I already have, to replace some older items, and to build up a fresh, long-term storage supply of the consumables.

He talks to Roman, one of the people at Mira Safety, and I found the conversation to be informative, and everything I heard tracks fully with what I already knew, from my involvement in Civil Defense way back when, as well as my ongoing research and testing, with no hype, unsubstantiated claims, and an understanding that Preppers are not professionals for the most part, so cannot get the 'pro' equipment that costs thousands of dollars and requires hundreds of hours of training. What the conversation pointed out, and Mira Safety addresses with their product lines, is that there are dozens of reasons that HAZMAT PPE, especially respirators, might be needed, and the level of protection available within the budgetary means of many preppers is adequate for most of those situations.

The gear is not for continued use in operations the way some of the military and professional equipment is, but for emergency use to allow a person and family to self-rescue, evacuate, and relocate to a safe area while reducing the risk of injury, even death, from the items for which the gear is meant to protect.

Here is the link to the video: [size=78%]Gas mask and Hazmat suit - what to buy and why - YouTube[/size]

Prep and Save, here in Reno, carries several of the Mira Products. As always, do your due diligence research, shop around, watch out for hidden costs, especially shipping costs, and determine what will be best for you.

Just my opinion.
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Jerry D Young

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and always remember TANSTAAFL

(TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - Robert A. Heinlein)