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Prepper Radio Net Chat 09/13/23

Offline Jerry D Young

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Prepper Radio Net Chat 09/13/23
« on: September 25, 2023, 12:45:08 PM »

Prepper Radio Net Chat 09/13/23

Ken...possible question to use with / after your paper...Those of you listening tonight that are members of ARES and SNARS, can you share how membership will provide benefits to preppers in the event of a serious emergency?...

Hi Curious...

Welcome JC and Dave

Hi Intrigued

JC @JC Wed Sep 20 7:37 pm


K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Sep 20 7:47 pm

David, I will say something about your question above. Call on me before you call for the initial round of check ins.

Hey Jerry, is your radio working with the repeater there in Winnemucca?

[size=78%]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX [/size]Wed Sep 20 7:49 pm

[size=78%]Negative. Not yet. Though I will say I did not try to see if the repeater was working and just not connected to the system[/size]

[size=78%]K7KBJ @kjuenke [/size]Wed Sep 20 7:49 pm

Key up the radio and listen for the repeater's squelch tail.

If your repeater is working and we don't hear you we will know the link is still down.

[size=78%]K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX [/size]Wed Sep 20 7:50 pm

I forgot about tHAT. It was not last week because I did remember to check. I will get it out and try again.

Negative again.

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Sep 20 7:55 pm

We will discuss Nevada Shakeout

Negative what? No repeater?


The Great Nevada ShakeOut - Get Ready!


K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Sep 20 7:56 pm

Negative test for squelch tail.

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Sep 20 7:56 pm

Is there anyone you can contact locally about their repeater?

I will put it out on the noon net.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Sep 20 7:58 pm

I talked to him hear while back. He said they were working on it best they could. He is going to let me know if/when the .067 repeater is up and when the ling is up, as well.

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Sep 20 7:58 pm


K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Sep 20 8:07 pm

I plan to be at Ft. Churchill.

Kilo Seven Kilo Kilo X-Ray Checking in from Winnemucca through NNPG chat. Jerry

twp @twp Wed Sep 20 8:10 pm

I also plan on being at Ft. Churchill.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Sep 20 8:10 pm

Up here in the backwoods of the far north many if not most people are preppers to some extent. So being a member of the local radio club and ARES I have access to like minded people and thus people who can help and very importantly multiple information sources,

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Sep 20 8:11 pm

I have not participated in a couple of the recent Big Nevada Shake-out events due to health issues. Bad enough that I simply could not do anything.

I heartily recommend the event with turning off or not using water, power, sewer, and the like.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Sep 20 8:13 pm

Accurate information is vitally important during a disaster. Also ARES members are part of the County Emergency Management office and thus will be working in the EOC as well as being part of the information net.

JC @JC Wed Sep 20 8:13 pm

I'm still in a new area and though I know some of my neighbors are various levels of peppers, I haven't really opened up much with what we are doing. So not sure if any other are radio operators

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Sep 20 8:13 pm

I understand that no one wants to lose the contents of their refrigerator or freezer, but simply not use them and cover them over. Do not turn off the natural gas if you have it or it is required to have the company come in to relight pilot lights.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Sep 20 8:15 pm

Jamie, when talking to them mention we are Hams and most likely if they are they will say so.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Sep 20 8:15 pm

For those two organizations, some of the members are vast resources of information on not only running a radio, but about the local systems that are available. They also know local shelters, where to get help and where to go if you can give help.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Sep 20 8:15 pm

Or say you are interested in amateur radio

JC @JC Wed Sep 20 8:15 pm

That's a great idea, thanks dad!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Sep 20 8:16 pm

The main thing is their knowledge base for much more than just the radios. Antennas are critical to radio operation and many of them can give information and instruction to help one operate mobile and under emergency conditions.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Sep 20 8:16 pm

Since our population is not large if you get into some of the organizations you meet the same people.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Sep 20 8:17 pm

I prefer Kholher, but they are somewhat more expensive and harder to find.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Sep 20 8:17 pm

Generiac is the only maker that will guarantee an off grid unit.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Sep 20 8:18 pm

Kholher has made medium to huge generators for business and industry.

For many years. Generac is much better than they were 20 years ago when my experience with them was less than steller. Now, with what I am hearing they are much better.

And look at what they are saying. If it is just general 'I do not like them' there is more to the story. Often having to do with personality conflicts, not the equipment itself.

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Sep 20 8:22 pm

Short and sweet tonight...Good evening everyone

twp @twp Wed Sep 20 8:22 pm

Thank you David, I'm out.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Sep 20 8:23 pm

I am recovering from some minor problems the last few days so I am calling it a night. Hope to talk next week. Stay safe everyone.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Sep 20 8:23 pm

Jamie, did your deer show up today?

JC @JC Wed Sep 20 8:25 pm

Not the beautiful buck. Just a couple mamas and their babies. I'm going to feel bad when I put up the fence to keep them out


Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Sep 20 8:26 pm

You will have to look at their mournful faces as they gaze hungerly at your fruit trees and lawn.

JC @JC Wed Sep 20 8:27 pm

So mean!!!

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Sep 20 8:27 pm

Yes you will be.

JC @JC Wed Sep 20 8:29 pm


Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Sep 20 8:31 pm

Well, on that note I need to go deny someone's voucher before calling it night. Good night, sleep tight do not let the bed bugs bite.

JC @JC Wed Sep 20 8:31 pm

Sleep well!

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Sep 20 8:32 pm

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Jerry D Young

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and always remember TANSTAAFL

(TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - Robert A. Heinlein)