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Prepper Radio Net Chat 11/22/23

Offline Jerry D Young

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Prepper Radio Net Chat 11/22/23
« on: December 06, 2023, 07:11:22 PM »
Net Chat November 22, 2023

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:32 pm
Good evening, everyone! Any fun Thanksgiving traditions?? We are in our first house for the first holiday and looking to start some traditions

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 22 7:33 pm
Congratulations Jamie.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:33 pm
That will be great, Jamie. Those kinds of things can get you through some tough times, and really make the good times even more special. You will figure some, but most will just happen.[/color]

[/color]One of mine, when I can do it, is to make a Carrot pie rather than a pumpkin pie. I much prefer them, and they are a bit unique. Cannot do it here where I am at the moment, but one of these days...[/color]

[/color]My sister-in-law makes a cranberry salad that is out of this world. Other than jellied cranberry sauce, her home-made is about the only way I like cranberries.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:37 pm
Thank you! And I haven't heard of carrot pie but I'll look that up! I made sweet potato pie for the first time this year.

And fun fact about canned cranberry sauce, I didn't realize it came from a can. I thought my mom made it, including the "design" from the can. It took me way too long to realize the truth!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:38 pm
[/color]Did have an in-law one time, married to a cousin, that one of their traditions was after Thanksgiving meal, which the women mostly did, the guys did all the clean up. The guys sister told me that the women got together back in the 50s and decided that the clean up would go much faster if the men did it because they would hurry so they would not miss much of the holiday football games.[/color]

[/color]I will put up the recipe for it. It is from the 1800s that I modernized many years ago.[/color]


[/color]We pretty much always had the jellied cranberry sauce. That was what my dad liked. My mother was a great cook, but there were a few things she just did not like to make. I think home-made cranberry sauce or salid was one of them. I know Becky, my sister-in-law was working on hers yesterday when we went over. And it will not be ready to eat until tomorrow afternoon. I made her promise that there would be some left when I wentover Friday for leftovers.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:42 pm
thank you! I'd love to make that recipe. I have a cousin who put together a cookbook from my grandma and other women her age. You can tell them times! There's a recipe for a sandwich that is orange slices, onions, and mayonnaise!

I've made cranberry sauce a few times, but it's never as good as the can!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:43 pm
[/color]Yep. Sounds like some of those the women in Senath did a few times. I even have a couple of recipes in two of them.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:43 pm
That should be a staple in all of our preps!!!!!!!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:43 pm

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:46 pm
So do you prefer the jellied or whole berry?

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:46 pm
[/color]Although, it would be difficult to get some people to even try a sandwich like that. May father used to eat mayonnaise sandwiches. just a thick spread of mayonnaise between two pieces of bread.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:47 pm
Oh, I could eat ten mayonnaise sandwiches! it's the orange part that really throws me off. I will have to try it out next summer!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:47 pm
[/color]Jellied for canned. The only whole berry/crushed berry cranberry product is the salad Becky makes.[/color]

[/color]If the onion is a sweet onion, like a Vidalia, I think ti would be pretty good.[/color]

[/color]Details can be really important.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:49 pm
Oh that is smart! The recipe just says "onion."

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:49 pm
[/color]I know that when I make caramel pecan rolls, I only ever use Kraft caramels. None of the others ever turned out correctly.[/color]

[/color]People that ate sweets loved those and always wanted the recipe. Then would almost cuss me out when I gave it to them and they tried it the first time. It is a very difficult recipe to get through due to all the hand work of working in one pound of powdered sugar into a standard size jar of marshmallow cream. Never, ever, try to make a double batch.[/color]

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 22 7:52 pm
Good evening everyone...

twp @twp Wed Nov 22 7:52 pm
"Evening all.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:52 pm
[/color]Evening all.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:54 pm
Jerry, that sounds delicious though!!! Do you ship?!

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 22 7:54 pm
I confirmed with W6US the link from the Winnemucca repeater to the SNARS system is still down. It uses a 70cm radio for the link.

They hope to have it up before the snow begins to build up.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:54 pm
[/color]I used to ship the candy and cookies I made at Christmas as gifts. The pie would not travel well.[/color]

[/color]I have not been able to make anything, or really do anything for Christmases for several years.[/color]

[/color]I have not played Santa Claus for anyone in at least 7 or 8 years.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:56 pm
Well you could always couch someone in the kitchen to make your cookies! As a former neighborhood kid, I would have loved such an experience!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:57 pm
[/color]With me, it was the librarian where we lived. We tried out recipes on each other. She was great.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:58 pm
Librarian's are the best of the human race

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:58 pm
[/color]Actually, the Cathedral windows cookies were a bit of a pain to make, too. lol[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 7:59 pm
well with a name like "cathedral windows" I'd expect nothing less!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 7:59 pm
[/color]Quite a few people quit asking for my recipes after they tried a few of them that were so much work. Or the candy gods had to be sitting on your shoulder, like when making divinity.[/color]

twp @twp Wed Nov 22 8:00 pm
It's a good thing tomorrow is Turkey Day, I'm getting hungry reading this thread.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:00 pm
[/color]lol Yep. Kids loved them. I usually gave them to the families with small children. The bourbon balls and cognac went to adult families.[/color]

[/color]Yes. I need to quit doing recipe stuff. I hate it when my family does on our family text exchanges. No matter how much I might have just had to eat, I am starving in just a few seconds when they start talking, and posting pictures, about the food they are making.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:03 pm
It'd be a fun project to make recipes for these "fun" occasions with prepper builds

twp @twp Wed Nov 22 8:05 pm
And here I am sitting next to a fifth of Vodka! If I go incoherent, you'll understand.

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 22 8:05 pm

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:05 pm
[/color]I know. I just thought of that, myself. I may have to experiment with that. I am not sure if someone freeze-dried egg whites so I could make divinity.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:06 pm
My mom freeze dries eggs! I can volunteer Idaho70 to have her do egg whites only! I'm sure my parent's love me volunteering them for things!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:07 pm
[/color]Kilo Seven Kilo Kilo X-ray Jerry, in Winnemucca via nnpg.net[/color] chat[/color]
[/color]The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group - Home[/u][/b]
[/color]The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group[/u]

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 22 8:07 pm
Yea, we love to do your ideas.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:07 pm
[/color]Wow. I never, ever, got by with volunteering my parents for anything.[/color]

[/color]That brought out a look it up, or do your research, or that would make a good project for you.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:08 pm
well it helps being the youngest so my parent's went through it all a million times before I came begging for stuff

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 22 8:09 pm
Got that right

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:09 pm
Though I hated being sent to the dictoniary to figure out how to spell a word.....

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:09 pm
[/color]Yep. My littlest brother, was like that.[/color]

[/color]I was interested in all kinds of things, so it was more look it up in the encyclopedia. My dad always kept a set of used encyclopedias no more than five years old for us to use.[/color]

[/color]Vodka has a wide range of prices, some due to what the item is used to make it, the final purity, the quality of the water used, and just how precious the people think it is.[/color]

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:12 pm
Regarding the Vodka, unless one wants to drink it, or trade to a Vodka lover for an item of utility/value; IMO opinion, one would be better off with EVERCLEAR. Higher alcohol content. Either way other than rugged transport, better with the glass bottles than the plastic.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:12 pm
[/color]The premiums are often far more expensive than Everclear.[/color]

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:12 pm
You beat me to the punch Ken.

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 22 8:13 pm
A new 3d printer? Is that the 20th 0r 21st one he has.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:13 pm
[/color]I agree. For most prepper uses, the Everclear is a better choice.[/color]

Talkative Creature @guest3228539 Wed Nov 22 8:13 pm
Hi all. Just listening online because it's too cold to sit in the Jeep and no one can hear me when I try to talk on the hand held Baeofeng inside. Listening in from Fallon, NV

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:14 pm
Wish I would have bought some Everclear when I lived in Montana now!!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:14 pm
[/color]You get quadruple use out of a bottle than you do vodka. And if you have good vodka for drinking, you really will not want to use it for other things.[/color]

Talkative Creature @guest3228539 Wed Nov 22 8:14 pm
Vodka can be used to defrost your windshield I heard

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:15 pm
I bought a case of glass 750's awhile ago specifically for prepping

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:15 pm
[/color]I am not sure if David mentioned it or not, but vodka can be used, and is, to make tinctures and other medical related processes and procedures. I have some wild lettuce tincture I use when my medications are not controlling some of my worst pains.[/color]

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:16 pm
EverClear that is

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:17 pm
So right, Jerry! I worked briefly for an acupuncture clinic and our break room was COVERED in vodka handles because of the tinctures the providers made

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:17 pm
[/color]I was buying it a 750ml bottle at a time. I have several in glass bottles, but it is much harder to find. It has been a long time since I found a 50ml bottle of Everclear. Not glass nor plastic. I am going to get some empties and transfer what is in plastic to them.[/color]

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 22 8:18 pm
About my 3D printer, it is the fifth one. More guns here than printers but let's see what happens !

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:18 pm
[/color]Yeah. It is hard to find 190-proof Everclear here in Nevada now.[/color]

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:18 pm
A year or so ago Total Wine had it.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:19 pm
[/color]I find it here and there, but they never seem to have any more after I buy it the first time.[/color]

Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 22 8:19 pm
Sounds like you are making a factory of 3d printers. No wonder you wanted solar, with so many 3ds you could not afford the electric bill

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:20 pm
Jerry, have you checked Total Wine?

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:20 pm
[/color]Making me even more jealous than I was. My Prusa is on hold until they finish the testing for the MMU for it.[/color]

[/color]No. I am not sure where that is. I live in Winnemucca now. I plan to buy Ben's when I get a chance and the money.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:22 pm
Jerry, I texted my mother and she said she will try to freeze dy egg whites for you!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:23 pm
[/color]Wow! Thank you! I will definitely try the divinity with it. May look for freeze-dried white corn syrup, too.[/color]

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:23 pm
I'll ask her!!!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:24 pm
[/color]Could someone please ask Ken what it was he wanted me to address earlier?[/color]

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:25 pm
Total Wine is a SuperStore on South Virginia in the shopping center across the street from the South Home Depot, 5.11 Stor & Guitar Center are also in that Center

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:25 pm
[/color]Thank you. I would not have her waste too much time on it, as high sugar and high oil products both can be very difficult.[/color]

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 22 8:25 pm
Great net.

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:26 pm
[/color]Okay. I am supposed to be in Reno December 12 & 13 for a doctor appointment. I have several things to do, but I will try to stop in there if I cannot find it at Ben's.[/color]

Benevolent Dreamer @guest3228522 Wed Nov 22 8:26 pm
Happy Thanksgivig N7SAX here, could'nt figure out how to get on the Chat with my Call Sign

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 22 8:27 pm
Happy Thanksgiving !

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:27 pm
[/color]My fingers are about to fall off, Ken. Other than that, it was a great net.[/color]

K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 22 8:27 pm
Yup !

Looking forward to hearing you soon, Jerry !

K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 22 8:27 pm
Happy and peaceful Thanksgiving to everyone!

Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 22 8:27 pm
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:27 pm
[/color]Have a happy Thanksgiving everyone. And good night.[/color]

twp @twp Wed Nov 22 8:28 pm
Remember, Eat Dead Turkeys!

I'm out. Thanks All

K7KKX - Jerry D Young @K7KKX Wed Nov 22 8:28 pm
[/color]With an 's'? I have trouple eating all of just one.[/color]

twp @twp Wed Nov 22 8:29 pm
Consider it a goal for the future <g>
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Jerry D Young

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and always remember TANSTAAFL

(TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - Robert A. Heinlein)