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What One Main Thing Drives You To Prepare?

Offline Ken K7KBJ

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What One Main Thing Drives You To Prepare?
« on: February 12, 2015, 11:44:30 AM »
Last night's session of the Northern Nevada Preppers Group Net has been posted.
Our topic was What one main thing drives you to prepare?
Here's your link:  www.nnpg.net/021115_radio.shtml
« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 02:08:26 PM by Ken »
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Offline Jerry D Young

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Re: What one main thing drives you to prepare?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2015, 12:10:56 PM »
My thoughts on the primary disaster for which I prep per the 2/11/15 NNPG Amateur Radio net meeting

There were many interesting responses to the question of what do each of us primarily prep for in terms of a specific disaster.

That is always a difficult question for me as I do not really have one primary thing I prep for. As for what I do prepare for, I prepare less by type of disaster than I do by Basic Human Needs. The basic needs are pretty much the same, no matter what the disaster. These are water, sanitation, food, and environmental protection. Then there are additional basics which also apply to almost every situation, including having the means to make fire, protect oneself and family, a way to communicate, maintain moral, and so on.

As I meet my goals for the basics I do specific things for specific disasters. There really aren't that many individual elements that aren't appropriate for several sets of circumstances. My ultimate goal is to be as self-sufficient for as long of a period as it is practical to be in modern society.

This is a list of the things I consider when I’m making preps, in alphabetical order. The dangers in some of them relate directly to peoples’ belief in them, as much as the actual event. Some things don’t have to happen to be a danger. The mere belief can be enough to set people on a destructive path.

 (No. I’m not ready for all of them yet. And yes, some of them simply call for having your affairs in order.)

If I was going to pick just one event, I would have to go with the collapse/destruction of our infrastructure for any reason. As part of some other disaster, failure on its own, or attack by terrorist. The loss of critical and secondary infrastructures would guarantee the necessity of having Basic Human Needs covered.

1.   A New Messiah
2.   A new Persian Empire
3.   Active shooter at public venue/business
4.   Active shooter at school/college campus
5.   Addictive Entertainment
6.   Advanced Technology disaster
7.   Agenda 21
8.   Airplane crash
9.   Anarchy
10.   Antibiotic resistant bacteria
11.   Armageddon
12.   Atmospheric River storm/severe flooding
13.   Automotive accident
14.   Avalanche
15.   Aztlan/Reconquista Uprising
16.   Bank closure/failure/mandated bank holiday
17.   Bath Salt drug zombies
18.   Becoming a refugee
19.   Becoming lost in the megalopolis
20.   Becoming lost in the wilderness
21.   Bee Colony Collapse Disorder (fungi/pesticide/parasites) crop pollination failures
22.   Biblical flood
23.   Biblical plagues
24.   Biological war/attack
25.   Black hole appearance
26.   Blackout
27.   Blizzard
28.   Boat wreck/ship wreck
29.   Brownout
30.   Carrington Event/Massive solar flare
31.   Celestial object impact/near miss
32.   Chemical war/attack
33.   Civil war
34.   Civilian disarmament
35.   Cloning of dangerous plants/animals
36.   Cloning of humans
37.   Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)
38.   Communication restrictions
39.   Crime wave
40.   Crop failures
41.   Dam failure/collapse
42.   Dangerous wildlife confrontation
43.   Dark matter/anti-matter incident
44.   Declining drinking water aquifer levels
45.   Drinking water aquifer contamination/poisoning
46.   Drought
47.   Dust bowl
48.   Earth Core Cooling
49.   Earth orbit shift
50.   Earthquake
51.   Eco-system collapse
52.   Electro Magnetic Pulse attack (EMP attack)
53.   Electro Magnetic Pulse from coronal mass ejection or other solar activity
54.   Encroachment of drinking water aquifers by seawater
55.   Environmental disaster
56.   Epidemic
57.   Ethnic war
58.   Evidence of extraterrestrials
59.   Extraterrestrial biological contamination
60.   Fire storm
61.   Flash mob violence/criminal event
62.   Flash flood
63.   Food shortages/price increases
64.   Forest fire/wild fire
65.   Fuel shortages/price increases
66.   Fungal infections of food staples crops
67.   Gamma ray burst from neutron star collision
68.   Global cooling/Ice Age
69.   Global nuclear war
70.   Global warming
71.   Gold/PM recall
72.   Gold/PM restrictions
73.   Government Tyranny
74.   Grand Alignment induced tectonic activity
75.   Ground surface tilt/rise/subsidence from tectonics/magma movement
76.   Gulf Stream shutdown/subsidence
77.   Hail
78.   Hazmat incident
79.   Heat wave
80.   Home gardening restrictions
81.   Home invasion
82.   Hostage situation
83.   Hostile extraterrestrials
84.   House/apartment/building fire
85.   Hurricane
86.   Hypercane
87.   Ice Storm
88.   Infrastructure collapse/failures
89.   Invasion of the US
90.   Invasive plant and animal species
91.   Kidnapped
92.   Lahar
93.   Landslide/mudslide
94.   Large scale JIT delivery failures
95.   Limited nuclear war/attack
96.   Limnic eruption
97.   Local major accident (aircraft/auto/rail/building)
98.   Local major crime
99.   Local/regional gun grab
100.   Lockdown at school/college campus
101.   Lockdown at work/business
102.   Loss of job
103.   Magnetic pole shift
104.   Major conventional war
105.   Major economic depression
106.   Major nuclear power plant incident
107.   Martial Law
108.   Massive tectonic activity
109.   Maunder Minimum low sunspot cycle triggered ice age
110.   Medical emergency
111.   Mega Tsunami (La Palma, West Antarctic Ice Sheet)
112.   Mega Volcano (Yellowstone Caldera)
113.   Methane Hydrate release
114.   National bankruptcy/default
115.   Nationwide/global economic breakdown
116.   Nemesis induced Oort Cloud meteorite rain
117.   New colonial activity (Fr., Sp., Port., It., Germ., Japan, China, Russia, UK, Brazil, Ven.)
118.   New, more restrictive assault weapons ban
119.   New World Order (NWO)
120.   Out of control bio-genetics/bio-technology
121.   Out of control Nano-technology/robotics
122.   Overpopulation
123.   Ozone layer depletion
124.   Pandemic/Syndemic pandemic
125.   Peaceful extraterrestrials
126.   Peak oil
127.   Personal financial breakdown
128.   Personal/family catastrophic illness
129.   Personal impact crimes
130.   Pestilence
131.   Political unrest/backlash
132.   Pyroclastic flow
133.   Racial war
134.   Rainforest deforestation
135.   Rampant inflation
136.   Rapid Population Decline
137.   Refugees
138.   Regional climate change
139.   Released/escaped dangerous zoo/circus animals
140.   Religious war
141.   Resource war
142.   Rogue Military Activity
143.   Rotational pole shift
144.   Runaway GM food plant failure/cross contamination
145.   Safe deposit box (non-bank) restrictions/closures
146.   Sand/dust storms/Haboob
147.   Sea level drop
148.   Sea level rise
149.   Second coming
150.   Sentient computer(s) take over
151.   Severe Lightning
152.   Shipwrecked/marooned
153.   Shortages of goods and services for a variety of reasons
154.   Sinkholes
155.   Slow rise flood
156.   Social break down
157.   Solar radiation increase/decrease
158.   State bankruptcy/default
159.   Strikes/boycotts/embargoes/price controls
160.   Sub-atomic particle research accident
161.   Sudden regional major population shift
162.   Super-storm
163.   Tailings pond dam failure/collapse
164.   Terrorism of all types
165.   The Anti-Christ
166.   Tornado
167.   Total gun ban/confiscation
168.   Train wreck
169.   Travel restrictions
170.   Tsunami
171.   UN Small Arms Treaty
172.   UN/One World Government
173.   US Coup
174.   US revolution
175.   Utilities failures
176.   Vehicle breakdown/stranded
177.   Volcano
178.   Water shortages
179.   Water system contamination/poisoning
180.   Wealth redistribution (by currency exchange/tax rates)
181.   Weapons restrictions
182.   Weather Modification attack
183.   Widespread civil unrest/riots
184.   Wild animal rampage
185.   World Population dramatic increase
186.   Zombies/vampires/werewolves/other supernatural dangers (just kidding! Sort of.)

Just my opinion.

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Jerry D Young

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and always remember TANSTAAFL

(TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - Robert A. Heinlein)

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Re: What One Main Thing Drives You To Prepare?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2015, 09:10:56 AM »
If I have to condense it to one thing, it is the fear of how other, unprepared people will responded to a crisis.

Admittedly some of the crises (thanks for the list, Jerry) are so overwhelming that survival may not be an option, but for those which are, the bigger problem will be what happens afterwords to those survivors due to their own actions....
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Offline Ken K7KBJ

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Re: What One Main Thing Drives You To Prepare?
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2015, 08:20:37 PM »
Wow, Jerry. That is an awesome list. Each item can provoke an additional hour of thought!
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Offline Jerry D Young

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Re: What One Main Thing Drives You To Prepare?
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2015, 01:57:48 PM »
I love hearing that one of my posts has caused someone to thing about things in more detail.

Thanks Ken.

Just my opinion.
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Jerry D Young

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and always remember TANSTAAFL

(TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - Robert A. Heinlein)