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Bartering Items

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Bartering Items
« on: May 18, 2015, 03:15:49 PM »
After TSHTF, when life returns to "normal", what items would be barter-able? 

What are you stocking now?  (Don't answer that if it makes you uncomfortable...  It should, IMO)

This article discusses barter-able items and the discussion at the bottom contains good suggestions

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Offline Jerry D Young

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Re: Bartering Items
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2015, 08:14:43 AM »
My thoughts and opinions on barter and trade

Barter will happen. Just like any other transaction, whether barter or trade of specific goods, payment by paper money, hard money, or some other form of currency is involved, some people will accept the terms of the exchange and some will not. If the price is too high or too low, depending on which end of the deal you are on, no transaction will take place.

When it comes to money, it is a matter of trust. Do you trust the individual to have the real thing, and do you trust that someone else will take it in future trade. Because some will, I will have some gold and silver. Because some will not, I plan to have trade goods, also.

I am not too concerned about there being a lot of counterfeit gold and silver out there in the aftermath of a disaster. If the economy becomes standardized on hard money again, then yes, there will undoubtedly be counterfeiting going on. Always has been, always will be. I have received counterfeit bills before, so I know the risk is there. I just consider it a small risk, then and in the future.

I will judge each exchange on an individual basis and decide which form of payment I am willing to make or accept. The other party will have to make the same determination.

Some people, on the other hand, think the common currency will be ammunition. Then there are about as many other opinions as there are other people. I believe, that since people recognize the fact that gold and silver coins circulated in the past as relatively stable money, that when (maybe if, but more likely when) paper money loses value, they will go back to recognizable gold and silver coinage.

I do think people will trust the pre-1965 silver coins and the newly minted Gold Eagles of various denominations. The Gold Eagles have a dollar value and gold content on them, so it will make it easy to do transactions. I think people will go the easy route and use them.

Again, this is just one person’s opinion. I value other points of view. Makes me think. I actually sometimes change my opinion. Rarely, though. I am from Missouri originally and you definitely have to “Show Me”.

The Big Five trade goods in my opinion are liquor, tobacco, coffee, sugar, and gasoline. Other high ticket items are meat, pain medications, feminine hygiene items, milk, baby things, toilet paper, lighters & matches, chocolate, salt, seeds, canning lids, cooking oils, gloves, socks, needles & thread, and other fuels.

Other items to stock are ammunition; various condiments, herbs, and spices; flour (or wheat and a grinder), and other OTC medicines beside pain meds.

All of your trade goods should be purchased in case lots of the smallest practical sealed individual packages available. While you could save money by buying cases of the larger packages you might have trouble getting an equitable trade for the packages when things are tight. By buying the smaller packages in case lots, you do recoup some of the difference. So go for the liquor in pints, coffee in one-pound cans, etc.

All of the human consumable items possible should be vacuum packed or canned to provide the longest possible shelf life.

Sugar, salt, and wheat will last indefinitely if kept dry, cool, and rodent proof, so store sugar and salt in one-pound paper packages in larger cans or pails with tight, waterproof lids, or get the professionally packed #10 cans or Super Pails. Keep wheat and a grinder, rather than flour. Grind as you need for trading.

Factory assembled ammunition will keep for twenty years or more if reasonable care is taken. Both cocoa and bar chocolate should be kept. I have kept cocoa for over a year in the original can with little deterioration. And while it tends to separate, milk chocolate stays edible if kept cool in a tight container. Stored candy and nuts should be the canned type. Pepper keeps well in the all-metal can type container.

Follow the same temperature and humidity provisions for the soup, canned meat, and powdered milk. I include canned meat in the trade goods list, but not vegetables, because I believe that meat products will disappear faster and be harder to obtain after a disaster than vegetables and fruits. Americans consume huge amounts of meat and are accustomed to it. Fruits and vegetables can be grown fairly easily. Meat cannot.

Keep tea in its original cellophane sealed package, and place it in airtight cans. Consult with your doctor on medicines to keep for trade, but you must stay away from prescription items and just stock Over The Counter medications and supplies.

Lay in the matches. They disappear rapidly when you must light fires, candles, and lamps, every time you want to cook or have light. Get only wooden strike anywhere kitchen matches, not book matches or safety matches that must be struck on the box.

Soaps will also disappear quickly, I feel, so stock Lava soap at least, and perhaps bleach, laundry soap such as Fels-Naptha, dish detergent, and bath soap. I particularly like Ivory since it floats and is very mild.
Never show more than necessary for a given trade. Never let on like you have more.

Only trade alcohol, weapons, and ammunition to those you know will not be a problem for you later.

Try to barter skills and knowledge rather than goods. They don’t run out.

Try to barter the information in books. Don’t let the books leave your control.

Try to barter the use of tools and equipment rather than trading them away.

Try to make trades in neutral areas or at a designated barter/trade meeting. Make sure you aren’t followed back home.

Some other things I have learned while practicing my barter/trade skills:

1.   If both parties are happy with the trade, it is a good trade.

2.   What is a good barter/trade between two people is not always a good trade for two other people. Everyone has different value systems, needs, wants, and resources.

3.   While getting value for value is nearly an absolute, being extremely ‘stingy’ will get a person the reputation of being too difficult to deal with, and reduce that person’s ability to trade.

4.   In the same vein, taking extreme advantage of someone that is essentially clueless, will usually come back to haunt one when that person learns they could/should/might have received rather more than they did for a given item. That will turn a ‘both parties happy with the trade’ good trade into a grudge by the person that got taken advantage of against the person that took advantage. In addition it will get the undue advantage taker the reputation of one that cannot be trusted to do an honest trade.

5.   Sometimes a direct trade simply is not possible when one of the traders simply does not have anything the other trader wants. Pushing for a trade by the one that does want what the other has is usually both useless, and counterproductive.

6.   Sometimes three-way trades are required if two people do not have what each other wants, but a third party has one of the items and is willing to participate in the trade, with each getting something they want. Again, trying to force someone to trade is almost always counterproductive.

7.   When using PMs (precious metals), having an agreement for any given barter/trade day on what specific PM coins are worth and posting it might be advantageous. Of course any two people making a barter/trade that includes PMs will apply their own value to the coins, having a standard value as a reference point for those not familiar with PMs might make it much easier for them.

8.   While being ‘wealthy’ in trade goods is certainly not a bad thing, making excessive value barters/trades to get all the ‘good stuff’, will get one plenty of items, but will also get one the reputation of being a ‘rich person taking undue advantage of that wealth’. Just as it does now when someone tries to buy up everything they can of limited supply items in a crisis situation.

9.   In the same vein, someone that constantly interferes in barters/trades between two other people and offers a bit more than what the one person can give, to get a given item without having to trade for it with the person that is trying to get it, gets the same reputation of abusing their wealth.

10.   Once a person gets a bad reputation as a barterer/trader, that reputation will stay with them for a very long time, no matter how much they might try to reverse it.

11.   The reputation of being a good, honest barter/trader is worth its weight in gold.

12.   Cheap junk is still cheap junk in a barter/trade situation, just as it is in a regular money based economy.

13.    The old adage that one person’s junk is another person’s treasure is an old adage for a reason. It can certainly be true. But it sure is not all the time. People can have very different value systems for different types of items.

14.   Sometimes a ‘kicker’ is worth a lot more in good will than its actual value. And while it might not ‘make the deal’, that good will can often make a deal in the future possible that might not be otherwise. Especially if it is given after the deal is made.

One thing that should be noted, is that in current times, barters/trades are considered taxable transactions. Regular, on-going barter/trade, or barters/trades of significant value, should probably be recorded with the Fair Market Value, priced in US FRNs (Federal Reserve Notes [Dollars in other words]) and the record kept available in case of inquiry by the government, be it State or Federal.

If a tax must be paid, it is much better to have a reasonable value recorded than risk having the government assign any value they wish to the transaction, and pay the tax on that.

Not all the items/skills listed will be of much value early into the event. It could be three to five years or more for some of the items to become valuable.
Many of the items are only appropriate if one already has the items or skills involved. They aren’t something you would acquire just for barter. Listed simply as a reminder that many things might be in demand in the PAW, and various hobbies or existing businesses and skills can be the basis of trade goods or services.

Try to have most of your equipment and several months of consumables before you stockpile trade goods, including Precious Metals.

When it comes to PMs, unless you are wealthy, start slow. A few silver dimes & quarters at a time. When you feel it is time to get gold coins, stay with the small denominations. And remember that there will be some people that won’t trust or want them.

If you are trading bulk items, try to have the customers bring their own containers for the items. But it will be a good idea to have some of your own so you can trade just the amount you or they want without having to try and get full value for the full container of the goods. For many of them you can collect a deposit, to encourage the people to bring back the same container for repeat sales to conserve your stock of the containers.

Personally, I do not stock goods to trade for other goods very much at all. What I stock, and the reason I stock, is to trade for services, skills, and knowledge. No matter how skilled and knowledgeable one is, no matter how good a library one has, no one knows everything or can do everything. People will need the services, skills, and knowledge that someone else has, and will need some way to pay for it. And in many cases, mine especially, additional labor is likely to be required at times. That is why I stock a few things. Because those people with what I need are quite likely to not have the things they need in the PAW and will be desperate to get whatever it is they need in return for their special skill, knowledge, or service. Or labor.

I do not suggest you stock up trade goods with the intention of getting items you know you will be needing in the future. Stock those items first. Now, if your plan is to have a PAW store, that is one thing, but an individual that just wants a few things to get something he either failed to think of, or wasn't available to the person before the event, is another. Better to have several of a few key items than one each of many. But those key items could be very different in different areas of the country.

A special note on water. I only recently added bottled water to the list of items to have for barter. I did not list pre-packaged water by itself before, for a couple of reasons. Water is a critical element for life.

In the initial phases of a disaster, I simply cannot bring myself to withhold water from someone that needs it in circumstances like that. I either give it away, or I just keep it and do not admit to having any. (Out of sight.)

Trading water just is not something I could do under those circumstances. I have water as part of my humanitarian supplies, to give away. And I have more for strictly my own use. That is a personal quirk, and I am not saying people should not trade water. I do intend to charge for purification services and transport of water in the PAW. Just not the water itself. Semantics, I know. But it soothes my conscious. A little.

Another thought was that it just would not go very far. Water is a high volume item. A little does not go a long way. People need a lot of water. Just think about how much you have to store for yourself. Becoming known as a water source could turn dangerous very quickly. Food is one thing, later on. People are going to try and get it by any means. But water, they are going to want right now. And water is FREE everywhere now. That concept is not going to change very quickly. People are not going to be happy about being charged for water in an emergency. They might have been paying for bottled water by choice, but they knew they could get water for free. Charging for it in a disaster is going to make a lot of enemies.

And bottled water is expensive. I do not think it is a very good use of limited barter funds. I prefer to have the purification means. $150 can get me a purifier (Go Berkery) that will purify 3,000+ gallons of water. $150 will only get me about ~100 – 300 gallons or so of bottled water.

Of course, if there is no water to purify, and the only water available is what is stored, which is the case out where I am in some places, then it does make sense to have water to trade. But I look at that on a different level. That the lack of water is already a given. Where people have to buy water on a regular basis anyway, that changes the dynamics. Bartering water then does make sense.

If I was going to barter bottled water in a 'normal situation' event, it would only be for, 'Here you go. No charge. But I might need a hand in the future. You know with a garden or something.' type return.

I did add bottled water to the list, just because it does make sense as an option, and a reminder to people about just how important it is.

The following is a list of possibilities, not a plan for a PAW store. Decide what will work for your area and situation, and then concentrate on a few of the items. Much better to have more preps than tie up too much in trade goods. Some is good, but unless you do plan to have a PAW store, stick with a limited amount.

The full list of some items that I am acquiring and think might be useful for barter or trade during and after a major disaster:   (No, I don’t have all of these items. Yet.)

Commercial scales to get agreed upon weights of items
Troy weight scale; up to 16 ounce scale; and 1#+, 10#+, 100#+,  & 500#+  scales

Blank barter slips to record transactions, especially those with future delivery dates
(pre-printed slips with the who, what, when, how much, etc.)

US Mint Gold Eagle coins in 1.0 oz, 0.5 oz, 0.25 oz, and 1/10 oz denominations
US Mint Silver Eagle coins in 1.0 oz denomination.
Circulated pre-1965 US 90% silver quarters
Circulated pre-1965 90% silver dimes

1.   A large library of useful books (trade the information, not the book)
2.   8-oz bottles of water
3.   1-liter bottles of water

4.   200ml bottles 190 proof Everclear
5.   smokeless tobacco
6.   2 oz boxes tobacco
7.   booklets cigarette papers
8.   smoking pipes
9.   small boxes matches
10.   butane lighter fuel
11.   Zippo lighter fuel
12.   lighter flints
13.   lighter wicks
14.   disposable lighters

15.   straight razors w/strop, soap, & cup
16.   shaving soap
17.   Q-tips

18.   playing cards
19.   dice

20.   candle/oil lamp wick
21.   Coleman lantern mantles
22.   Crank flashlights

23.   Canned green coffee beans (with a roaster and grinder to use, not trade away)
24.   2 oz jars instant coffee
25.   16 count boxes teabags
26.   2 oz jars bouillon cubes
27.   tubs add-water-only drink mix

28.   1 pound boxes sugar
29.   various spices
30.   small containers of cooking oil
31.   2 oz boxes salt
32.   2 oz cans pepper

33.   5 oz cans evaporated milk
34.   14oz cans sweetened condensed milk
35.   4 oz cans cocoa
36.   2 oz bars chocolate candy
37.   8 oz bags hard candy (individually wrapped)

38.   4 oz cans Vienna sausage/potted meat
39.   12 oz cans roast beef
40.   7 oz cans Spam (or 12oz)(or Treet)
41.   6 oz cans tuna
42.   10 oz cans soup (meaty types)
43.   16 oz bags rice
44.   16 oz bags beans/lentils
45.   #10 cans Pilot Bread
46.   aspirin pain killer
47.   acetaminophen pain killer
48.   multi-vitamins
49.   water purification tablets

50.   OTC reading glasses
51.   OTC UVA/UVB resistant sunglasses
52.   Cheap wide-brimmed straw hats

53.   small boxes tampons/sanitary napkins
54.   reusable sanitary napkins
55.   Diva cups or similar

56.   reusable cotton diapers
57.   diaper pins
58.   leak proof  diaper cover pants
59.   clothes pins

60.   wooden pencils/ink pens
61.   small note books
62.   legal pads

63.   6”-12” candles
64.   boxes strike anywhere kitchen matches
65.   rolls toilet paper
66.   bars soap (Ivory, Lava, Fels Naptha, Dial)
67.   hair combs/brushes
68.   disposable razors
69.   toothbrushes
70.   boxes baking soda

71.   shoe and boot laces
72.   packets safety pins
73.   packets of sewing needles
74.   spools of thread

75.   mousetraps
76.   rat traps
77.   fly swatters

78.   jersey gloves
79.   cotton/leather work gloves
80.   insulated gloves
81.   socks

82.   tubes silicone sealant
83.   tubes Shoe Goo/Goop
84.   tubes JB Weld
85.   duct tape
86.   mechanic’s wire
87.   electrical tape
88.   friction tape
89.   rubber tape
90.   sheet plastic
91.   divided buckets with a variety of nails, screws, bolts, nuts, and washers
92.   sealed cans of welding rods (6011 and/or 7018 1/8”)
93.   variety of brazing rods
94.   cans of brazing flux
95.   shovels (round & square, straight & curved)

96.   regular canning lids
97.   wide mouth canning lids
98.   Tattler/4-Ever Recap reusable canning lids
99.   Tattler/4-Ever reusable canning lid rubber rings/seals
100.   P-38/P-51 can openers

101.   6-hour cans ECOFuelXB
102.   1-lb propane cylinders
103.   10-lb bags charcoal briquettes
104.   solar 12-volt battery chargers
105.   solar AAA, AA, C, D, 9-volt battery charger
106.   rechargeable batteries AAA, AA, C, D, 9-volt, CR123A,

107.   Aluminum foil (HD)
108.   Wax paper
109.   Freezer paper
110.   Freezer tape

1.   #10 cans heirloom seeds
2.   Coffee plant seed
3.   Tobacco plant seed
4.   Tea plant seed
5.   Poppy plant seed
6.   Biodiesel production chemicals
7.   Soap making chemicals
8.   50-round boxes of .22 LR RF cartridges

In addition to the individual size and standard size prepackaged goods here are the things I think would be good trade goods bought in bulk and traded away in small quantities when things settle down, plus some items to make it easier.

Blank barter slips to record transactions, especially those with future delivery dates
Diamant #525 grain grinder to grind grains for customers, with spare grinding plates
Katadyn Expedition water filter to make clean water for customers, with spare elements
Crown Berkey water purification system to supplement the Katadyn, with spare elements

Commercial scales to get agreed upon weights of items:
Troy weight scale; 16 ounce scale; and 1#+, 10#+, 100#+,  & 500#+  scales

1.   small containers for measured out items (spices, meds, etc.)(really small zip-locks and envelopes)
2.   set various scoops, funnels, etc. for measuring & transferring goods
3.   5/6/7-gallon dispensing containers (to hold filtered water)
4.   5/6/7 gallon buckets w/lids for water (deposit)
5.   1-gal zip-lock bags/cloth bags (deposit)
6.   1-quart zip-lock bags/cloth bags (deposit)
7.   medium paper sacks/cloth bags (deposit)
8.   small paper sacks/cloth bags (deposit)
9.   pint cans w/screw lids (deposit)

Bulk trade goods
1.   20# propane cylinders for refilling from large home tank with wet leg
2.   1-lb propane cylinders
3.   10-lb bags charcoal briquettes
4.   5-gallon buckets of Sodium hypochlorite to make bleach (pool shock)

Cases of
1.   #2½ cans baking powder
2.   #2½ cans baking soda
3.   #2½ cans corn starch
4.   #2½ cans or vacuum packed spices (cream of tartar, allspice, season salt, pepper, mild chili powder, cinnamon, ginger, Italian seasoning, lemon pepper, nutmeg, spaghetti sauce spice, taco mix, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, clove, BBQ mix, basil, cumin, oregano, Paprika, anise, cayenne, garlic, curry mix, mustard, celery seed, turmeric, chives, Tabasco, caraway seed, cardamom, dill, fennel, tarragon, coriander, Worcestershire sauce, spearmint, peppermint, savory, mace) 

1.   2 ounce bottles of extracts (Vanilla, mint, peppermint, butterscotch, maple, almond, anise, etc.)
2.   1-lb packages yeast
Buckets of:
1.   wheat
2.   rolled oats
3.    rice
4.   small red beans
5.   pinto beans
6.   great northern beans
7.   cornmeal
8.   sugar
9.   olive oil
10.   coconut oil
11.   shortening powder
12.   iodized salt
13.   kosher salt
14.   powdered milk
15.   vegetable stew mix
16.   dried eggs
17.   nutty granola
18.   butter powder
19.   cheese blend
20.   tomato powder
21.   macaroni
22.   noodles
23.   spaghetti noodles
24.   peanut butter powder
25.   honey
26.   beef bouillon
27.   chicken bouillon
28.   hard candy

1.   rolls of toilet paper
2.   bundles of red shop rags as reusable TP substitute
3.   100# bags fertilizer
4.   100# bags non-iodized canning salt

5.   Large containers of simple homemade cleaner ingredients (Baking soda, Vinegar, rubbing alcohol, washing soda, Borax, mild dish detergent [castile soap], cream of tartar, hydrogen peroxide, Lemon juice, sodium percarbonate, salt, corn starch, olive oil, calcium hypochlorite)

Here are some examples of Tradesman’s Tools that could be stockpiled and either used and the product/service bartered, or their USE bartered out. One wouldn’t barter away the tools that bring in the food. (Again, I don’t have all the items or skills.)

1.   Tailor/Seamstress tools
sewing machine
Sewing basket (needles, thimbles, thread, measuring tape,  seam ripper, scissors, shears, marking chalk, straight edge, pins, neck magnifying glass, etc.)
bolts of cloth, patterns, spare needles, pins, chalk, thread, buttons, zippers, snaps, etc)
Treadle type sewing machine (Janome 712T)
weaving looms
>1,000 watt generator

2.   Food processing tools
Grain grinders, solar dehydrators, butchering tools, manual meat slicer, manual meat grinder, sausage stuffer, stuffing tubes, jerky shooter, meat smoker, water purifier

3.   Barbers tools
scissors, combs, hair brushes, dusting brush, broom, dust pan, chair, neck apron, razor, shaving cup, shaving soap, towels

4.   Ammunition re-loader’s tools
Corbin Bullet swaging equipment
RCBS Bullet casting equipment
Ten-X TX-50 progress press for up to .50 BMG w/conversion sets
Dillion Super 1050 progressive press w/Caliber kits for Super 1050
Spolar Gold Premier hydraulic progressive press w/gauge conversions
Progressive reloading press dies
black powder making tools & screens

5.   Laundry tools
water tank
water heater (kettle w/tripod)
12v pump & battery & hoses
drain lines
laundry soap
bleach/sodium hypochlorite
Staber washing machine
>1,000 watt generator
James washer w/wringer
2+ washtubs
RapidWasher plunger type washers
5/6 gallon buckets
clothes lines/poles, stakes & clothes pins

6.   Entertainment tools
band instruments
projection TV
TV projector
Lap-top computer
CD/DVD/VHS/Blu-ray players
Karaoke machine w/cd-g’s
Lighting system
Sound system
>1,500 watt generator
Battery bank, solar panels, and inverter
protective bullet resistant face for TV’s if used
Classic books for storyteller to read

7.   Ice making tools
High capacity water purification system
Water tank
Water pump
Small commercial block ice maker
Small commercial ice cube maker
Insulated storage containers
Reusable transfer containers (deposit)
>1,500 watt generator
Ice house (for large scale storage) Rubber block ice molds (for winter use)

8.   Librarian tools (never let the media out of your control)
reference/do-it-yourself library (books/magazines/CD-ROMs/DVDs)
Laptop Computer with electronic library
Portable Color printer/copier/scanner
Printer paper
Printer ink
Manual typewriter
Writing pads
Pencil sharpeners
Magnifying glasses
Reading glasses

9.   Information broker/interpreter
NOAA Weather Radio receiver
WWV/WWVH time standard receiver
Trunking multi-band scanner
Multi-band receiver
Amateur Radio HF transceiver
Amateur Radio VHF/UHF transceiver
AM/SSB CB radio
Semi-pro weather station
Laptop computer w/translation software
Portable printer/copier/scanner
Printer paper
Printer ink
Bulletin board
Markers & eraser
Chalk & eraser

10.   Small scale propane supplier
Large home propane tank with wet leg
Tank scale
20# propane tank on inverting stand
1-pound propane bottle refill fitting
Small freezer
<1,000 watt generator

11.   home canning equipment & supplies
12.   firewood cutting tools
13.   edged tools & saw sharpening tools
14.   chainsaw chain sharpening/repair tools
15.   printer’s/newspaper publisher’s tools
16.   butcher/meat cutter’s tools
17.   meat processors tools (sausage, etc.)
18.   tanner’s tools
19.   milk processors tools (cheese, etc.)
20.   baker’s tools & supplies
21.   bath house/shower room tools
22.   candle maker’s tools & supplies
23.   gardener’s tools
24.   mechanic’s tools
25.   machinist’s tools - Smithy Granite 1340 Industrial Max metalworking all-in-one machine
26.   woodworker’s tools – Smithy Supershop 220 woodworking all-in-one machine
27.   blacksmith’s tools - Oxygen accumulator, acetylene generator
28.   plumber’s tools
29.   lumber making tools - portable sawmill
30.   electrician’s tools
31.   carpenter’s tools
32.   roofer’s tools
33.   stonemason’s tools
34.   primitive building tools
35.   cobbler/shoe maker’s tools
36.   soap maker’s tools
37.   brewer/wine maker’s tools
38.   distillery tools
39.   miller’s tools
40.   spinner & weaver’s tools (looms)
41.   teaching tools and supplies K-12
42.   smelter/foundry/metal worker’s tools
43.   sheep sheering tools
44.   papermaking tools
45.   rope, cordage, and net making tools
46.   millwright’s tools
47.   farm tools (prepare, sow, cultivate, harvest)
48.   biodiesel equipment & supplies
49.   wood gas generator equipment & supplies
50.   charcoal making tools
51.   black powder making tools

Skill sets most likely to be needed.
1.   Accountant
2.   Active military
3.   Administrator
4.   Alternative energy specialist
5.   Alternative HVAC specialist
6.   Ammunition re-loader
7.   Appliance repairman
8.   Assayer
9.   Baker
10.   Banker
11.   Barber
12.   Barterer/flea market operator
13.   Basket maker
14.   Bathhouse/shower room operator
15.   Beekeeper
16.   Bicycle Repairman
17.   Biodiesel maker
18.   Black powder maker
19.   Blacksmith
20.   Botanist
21.   Brew master
22.   Brick maker
23.   Bullet caster
24.   Butcher/meat processor
25.   Candle maker
26.   Carpenter
27.   Cartridge maker
28.   Cartwright
29.   Chainsaw chain sharpener
30.   Chandler
31.   Charcoal burner
32.   Cheese maker
33.   Chemist
34.   Chimney sweep
35.   Cobbler/shoe maker
36.   Coffin maker
37.   Contractor
38.   Cook
39.   Cooper (barrel maker)
40.   Coppersmith
41.   Dentist
42.   Distiller, drinking alcohol
43.   Distiller, fuel alcohol
44.   Distiller, essential oils
45.   Distiller, water
46.   Doctor
47.   Dog trainer
48.   Edged tool & saw sharpener
49.   Electrician
50.   Electronics tech
51.   EMT/Paramedic
52.   Executive
53.   Factory worker
54.   Farmer
55.   Farm hand
56.   Farmer
57.   Farrier
58.   Firefighter
59.   Firewood purveyor
60.   Fisherman
61.   Food canner/processor
62.   Furniture maker
63.   Gardener
64.   Gatherer of wild plants/useful minerals
65.   Glass maker
66.   Goatherd
67.   Goldsmith/silversmith
68.   Gravedigger
69.   Gun dealer
70.   Gunpowder maker
71.   Gunsmith/gun maker
72.   Handyman
73.   Harvester/picker
74.   Heavy equipment operator
75.   Herbalist/mineralist/apothecary
76.   Horse trainer/wrangler
77.   Hunter/trapper
78.   Ice purveyor/harvester/maker
79.   Inventor
80.   Janitor
81.   Knife maker
82.   Knife sharpener
83.   Knitter/crocheter
84.   Laundress/laundry room operator
85.   Leather worker
86.   Librarian
87.   Locksmith
88.   Logger/forester/sawyer
89.   Lumber maker
90.   Machinist
91.   Mechanic
92.   Metal worker
93.   Metallurgist
94.   Midwife
95.   Milk maid
96.   Milk processor
97.   Miller
98.   Millwright
99.   Miner
100.   Mulcher/composter/manure collector
101.   Net maker
102.   Nurse
103.   Nurse's aid
104.   Optician (eyeglass maker)
105.   Orchardman/arborist
106.   Orderly
107.   Paper maker
108.   Police/Law enforcement officer - Sheriff/Marshal/Deputies
109.   Pedi-cab driver
110.   Pest control specialist
111.   Pharmacist
112.   Plumber
113.   Postman
114.   Pottery maker
115.   Pressure canner food storage specialist
116.   Primitive building specialist
117.   Printer/newspaperman
118.   Psychologist/Psychiatrist
119.   Quilter/Quilt maker
120.   Radio Operator
121.   Radio/tv repairman
122.   Rancher
123.   Ranch hand
124.   Repairman
125.   Roofer
126.   Rope/cordage maker
127.   Sail maker
128.   Sailor (Boatswain)
129.   Salesman
130.   Salt maker
131.   Salvage specialist
132.   Sanitation worker
133.   Secretary
134.   Security guard
135.   Shake/shingle maker
136.   Sheep sheerer
137.   Shepherd
138.   Shipwright/boat builder
139.   Shoemaker
140.   Skill At Arms instructor
141.   Small engine mechanic
142.   Smelter/foundry-man
143.   Soap maker
144.   Soldier
145.   Spice purveyor
146.   Spinner/Weaver
147.   Stonemason/brick layer
148.   Student
149.   Sugar maker
150.   Surveyor
151.   Tailor/seamstress
152.   Tanner
153.   Teacher
154.   Thatcher
155.   Tinker
156.   Tire repairman
157.   Tool & die maker
158.   Trade maker
159.   Trader/Wagoner
160.   Trapper
161.   Truck driver
162.   Undertaker
163.   Veterinarian
164.   Watch/clock repairman/maker
165.   Weaver
166.   Welder
167.   Well driller
168.   Wheelwright
169.   Winemaker
170.   Wood gas equipment maker
171.   Woodworker

A few skills that won’t be in high demand, but would be a good secondary skill
1.   Artist
2.   Author
3.   Beautician
4.   Bookbinder
5.   Book keeper
6.   Candy maker
7.   Clerk
8.   Comedian
9.   Dye maker
10.   Entertainer
11.   Entrepreneur
12.   Government official
13.   Historian
14.   Industrialist
15.   Ink maker
16.   Judge/arbitrator
17.   Karaoke operator
18.   Lawyer
19.   Maid
20.   Massage therapist
21.   Musician
22.   Physicist
23.   Scribe
24.   Secretary
25.   Storyteller
26.   Teller/cashier
27.   Toy & game maker

Some things I probably won’t get for barter for this reason: If there is a large die off the items will be available to pick up all sorts of places. If there isn’t one, they will still be available through normal channels. But do have a very good stock of your own.

Knives, especially ‘Cheap’ knives (almost every household has several, plus there are large numbers in stores)
Clothing (almost every household has a large selection, plus there are plenty in stores)
Tools (Yes, have a really good set for yourself, and possibly one to barter the use of, but keep the tools)
Cooking equipment (same as knives)
Fishing gear (there is a lot of it in people’s homes, plus tons of it in the outdoor stores)

Just my opinion.
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Jerry D Young

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and always remember TANSTAAFL

(TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - Robert A. Heinlein)

Re: Bartering Items
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2016, 10:57:58 AM »
You do know that I've made archival word doc copies of every list of yours that I've found.
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Most folks are happy being a part of the Great Shepherds Flock.
Some folks choose to be wolves and prey on the flock.
Some folks choose to defend the flock and confront the wolf.

I am a SheepDog.

Offline Jerry D Young

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Re: Bartering Items
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2016, 10:50:39 AM »

I do now.

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Jerry D Young

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and always remember TANSTAAFL

(TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - Robert A. Heinlein)

Offline pqtb

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Re: Bartering Items
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2017, 04:44:25 PM »
If I was running a barter store I think one would need to stock some of the following

maple sugar or syrup
caste iron cook ware
saws of various times
A good western that has a store or emporium that shows what is on the shelves would be a good place to get ideas

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