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American Blackout - Movie

American Blackout - Movie
« on: August 21, 2015, 07:24:00 PM »
This is a National Geographic movie about a nationwide failure of the US power grid.  The movie follows several families over the course of a few days.  The movie is available on youtube.  Follow the link below:

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Offline Jerry D Young

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Re: American Blackout - Movie
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2015, 10:37:08 AM »
This was an interesting movie. It even had a prepper in it. An idiot prepper, but prepper none the less. As with most movies like this one, the majority of the lessons were negative lessons. More what not to do than what the best option is. But the prepper did have some good plans, in addition to the bad ones. Being of a prepper mindset was the first good thing. Having a place to bug out to, and the means to get there were also good. It was after they arrived that the mistakes started.

The BOL was not laid out all that well, and though the basic plans on how to deal with things were good, the execution of those plans lacked quite a bit.

Of the other characters, the boy that went exploring was a good example of what will happen with those people that are not prepared. He felt the need to try to find out what was happening when the radio and TV were not working. He nearly lost his life for the lack of a crank up radio.

The people in the elevator were probably the least realistic. For one thing, the amount of time they spent in that elevator, and someone would had to have gone to the bathroom. That issue was not addressed at all. The attempt to climb out, while partially successful, was not very realistically portrayed.

There was a very good example of how not to use a knife. The idiot was totally clueless and paid the price.

A couple of the women became victims for lack of preparations and the inability to lay low and stay quiet, instead of charging out, expecting anyone and everyone they meet to be helpful. Women in these situations have to be extremely careful. Being prepared not only to stay hydrated, fed, and sheltered, but to protect themselves is paramount.

I am coming down hard on the movie, I know. But it is for a purpose. The movie is well worth watching in order to learn the negative lessons of people that did it incorrectly. Much can be learned from the movie.

Just my opinion.
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Jerry D Young

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and always remember TANSTAAFL

(TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - Robert A. Heinlein)