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Prepper Radio Net Chat 11/01/23

Offline Jerry D Young

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Prepper Radio Net Chat 11/01/23
« on: November 07, 2023, 06:10:49 PM »
Prepper radio net chat 11/01/23

[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 01 7:31 pm[/size]
Good evening, everyone!...

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 01 7:34 pm[/size]
Good evening! I just spoke to Santa. He is not in a very good mood yet.

[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 01 7:35 pm[/size]
Well he better get his sh*t together! My Christmas lights are up and lit right now!

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 01 7:36 pm[/size]

[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 01 7:42 pm[/size]

[size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 01 7:43 pm[/size]
Evening all.

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 01 7:44 pm[/size]

[size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 01 7:45 pm[/size]
I got a Costco card today: Some of the meat they sell is larger than my entire refridgerator!

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 01 7:47 pm[/size]
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For me, Chrome is the best browser to use with this chat room. Firefox for me has issues.

[size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 01 7:50 pm[/size]
I'm using Pale Moon browser, a FF clone.

It works very well.

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 01 7:51 pm[/size]
Good evening EVERYONE!

Jerry...question. How many things that people can prep for are on your list now?

How many "possible" things...

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 01 7:52 pm[/size]
For me, using Firefox and hitting refresh knocks me out and I have to log in again.
[size=0pt]Jerry K7KKX @guest3072311 Wed Nov 01 7:53 pm[/size]
[/color]David, give me a second and I will check.[/size]

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 01 7:53 pm[/size]
Thanks! But approximately is ok...

Honestly, the thing I'm most afraid of is that Jamie will get mad at me...

[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 01 7:55 pm[/size]
Every man should always be afraid of a strong woman

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 01 7:55 pm[/size]

[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 01 7:56 pm[/size]
Hello everyone

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 01 7:56 pm[/size]
Hi Keith

[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 01 7:57 pm[/size]
I see Jamie is in rare form tonight

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 01 7:57 pm[/size]
as always!

[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 01 7:57 pm[/size]
[size=0pt]Jerry K7KKX @guest3072311 Wed Nov 01 7:57 pm[/size]
[/color]I prep with 213 primary possibilities in mind, plus another 22 things that can occur because of various disasters, and 24 more things that tend to be small, affecting fewer people, but possibly very serious to the one or two people, or family, that is experiencing those events.[/size]

[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 01 7:58 pm[/size]
It's because I've spent 6 hours crocheting a blanket and it's only a foot long!! How did my grandmothers+ do this?!

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 01 7:58 pm[/size]
David, am I calling on you first, then taking check ins?

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 01 7:58 pm[/size]
OK Ken

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 01 7:59 pm[/size]
David, am I calling on you first, then taking check ins?

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 01 7:59 pm[/size]
Thanks Jerry

OK Again Ken

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 01 7:59 pm[/size]
David, am I calling on you first, then taking check ins??

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 01 7:59 pm[/size]
Ok, Ok, Ok Ken

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 01 7:59 pm[/size]

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 01 7:59 pm[/size]
Ok to your OK
[size=0pt]Jerry K7KKX @guest3072311 Wed Nov 01 8:00 pm[/size]
[/color]I am not afraid of a strong woman. I would rather have one around because the ones I know take a great deal of the load off my shoulders. My sisters indoctrinated me when I was still in middle school, and ever since then I have spoken respectfully to women, because if I do not, bad things seem to happen to me. That does not mean I am afraid. Just cautious.[/size]

[size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 01 8:01 pm[/size]
"caution" is the better part of valor...

[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 01 8:01 pm[/size]
I bow to your sisters for teaching you the proper way
[size=0pt]Jerry K7KKX @guest3072311 Wed Nov 01 8:04 pm[/size]
[/color]Jamie, grandmas can do blankets 24/7 when there is a need, and another grandma close by is also working on one. God forbid if there are more than 5 or 6 children within three months of birth.[/size]

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 01 8:04 pm[/size]
[size=0pt][/color]419.24 KB[/size][/u]

[size=0pt]Jerry K7KKX @guest3072311 Wed Nov 01 8:05 pm[/size]
[/color]They had very effective ways of 'gently' correcting me. I did have to look up the definition of gently. I still have not figured out where they found their definition.[/size]

[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 01 8:06 pm[/size]
Ha! Best sisters! Also, 213?! I'd love to see that list

[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 01 8:06 pm[/size]
Goal One, Stay Alive

[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 01 8:07 pm[/size]

[size=0pt]K7KBJ @kjuenke Wed Nov 01 8:08 pm[/size]
She has spoken

[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 01 8:09 pm[/size]
[size=0pt]Jerry K7KKX @guest3072311 Wed Nov 01 8:10 pm[/size]
[/color]I will post it up again in the forum.[/size]

[size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 01 8:10 pm[/size]
Assess Facts Threats Engage React Summation
[size=0pt]Jerry K7KKX @guest3072311 Wed Nov 01 8:15 pm[/size]
[/color]Kilo Seven Kilo Kilo X-ray Jerry, in Winnemucca, via nnpg.net[/url] chat[/font][/color][/font][/size]
[size=0pt][/color]The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group - Home[/color][/font][/size][/u][/b]
[size=0pt][/color]The Northern Nevada Prepper's Group[/size][/u]
[/color] [/size]

[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 01 8:17 pm[/size]
When deploying to a disaster such as a hurricane or earthquake where people are dead, injured. lost, and the infrastructure is destroyed alot of what helps is having teammates that you can count on. You each watch out for each other and very importantly team support helps you emotionally when you are down or overwhelmed by them supporting you and picklng you up.

I have been lucky enough to have experienced such support on my many deployments.

[size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 01 8:18 pm[/size]
Hear, Hear Idaho70

[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 01 8:21 pm[/size]
Shoutout to my parents!
[size=0pt]Jerry K7KKX @guest3072311 Wed Nov 01 8:22 pm[/size]
[/color]The only way most people have to deal with overwhelming situations is to prepare yourself for them, preferably with the help of experienced people. It will never be quite the same, but understanding that you will go through various feelings and even face death. It can be done. Thinking it through, multiple times, with the help of those that have gone through it. If you never give it a thought and something happens, people often make very poor decisions because they simply have no clue what they should do.[/size]
[/color]I really have to agree with Idaho. He summed it up nicely.[/size]

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 01 8:29 pm[/size]
Good evening everyone...have a TERRIFIC week!

[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 01 8:30 pm[/size]
Rain tomorrow up here.

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 01 8:30 pm[/size]
Stay dry...
[size=0pt]Jerry K7KKX @guest3072311 Wed Nov 01 8:30 pm[/size]
[/color]David, Ken, where do you get your filaments for 3D printing?[/size]

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 01 8:30 pm[/size]
Amazon for me...

[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 01 8:31 pm[/size]
I will try, suppose to last for about a week
[size=0pt]Jerry K7KKX @guest3072311 Wed Nov 01 8:31 pm[/size]
[/color]What do you use mostly?[/size]

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 01 8:31 pm[/size]
For my applications, I mostly use 1.75mm Carbon Fiber (black or white)
[size=0pt]Jerry K7KKX @guest3072311 Wed Nov 01 8:32 pm[/size]
[/color]Hm... Is that not pretty expensive?[/size]

[size=0pt]K7DWWDavid @K7DWWDavid Wed Nov 01 8:33 pm[/size]
Depends...pricing changes quite a bit...I look for sales and deals. Overall, the filaments are expensive... but not outrageous

Night everyone

[size=0pt]Idaho70 @Idaho70 Wed Nov 01 8:36 pm[/size]
Night night, time to go.

[size=0pt]Jamie.Idaho70's daughter @JC Wed Nov 01 8:36 pm[/size]
sleep well, everyone
[size=0pt]Jerry K7KKX @guest3072311 Wed Nov 01 8:37 pm[/size]
[/color]Okay. Thanks David.[/size]
[/color]Goodnight all.[/size]

[size=0pt]twp @twp Wed Nov 01 8:37 pm[/size]
'night all, I'm out.
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Jerry D Young

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best, and always remember TANSTAAFL

(TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch - Robert A. Heinlein)